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quinta-feira, 8 de junho de 2023

Warhorse (Heavy Progressive Rock {UK})

Warhorse foi uma banda de
rock britânica formada pelo
primeiro baixista da Deep
Purple, Nick Simper.


Depois de ser demitido pela Deep Purple em 1969, Nick Simper se juntou à banda de apoio de Marsha Hunt. Não muito tempo depois, Nick Simper substituiu sua banda de apoio por Ged Peck na guitarra e Mac Poole na bateria. Quando Marsha Hunt ficou grávida, a banda parou de fazer turnês e Nick Simper e Ged Peck reorganizaram o grupo como Warhorse. Ashley Holt se tornou a vocalista da banda, e eles recrutaram o tecladista Rick Wakeman. Quando a primeira demo foi gravada em abril de 1970, Rick Wakeman saiu para se juntar a Strawbs e foi substituído por Frank Wilson.

Warhorse assinou contrato com a Vertigo e lançou o primeiro álbum, "Warhorse", em novembro de 1970. A banda era administrada por Ron Hire, originalmente parte da HEC Enterprises, os investidores originais da Deep Purple.

A banda começou a turnê, mas fez pouco progresso e o álbum falhou nas paradas. Um single, "St. Louis", foi lançado, mas falhou nas paradas. Em 1971, após discussões sobre estilo, Ged Peck saiu e passou a tocar violão clássico. Ele foi substituído por Pete Parks, da Black August, uma banda que vinha compartilhando a sala de ensaio da Warhorse.

Em junho de 1972, o álbum seguinte, "Red sea", foi lançado, mas logo depois Warhorse foi retirada do selo. Na mesma época, Mac Poole decidiu trocar Warhorse pela Gong. A banda continuou e substituiu Mac Poole por Barney James. Rick Wakeman lembrou de Ashley Holt e Barney James e recrutou ambos quando formou sua banda The English Rock Ensemble para seus álbuns solo, "Journey to the centre of the Earth" e "The myths and legends of King Arthur and The Knights of the Round Table". Apesar de um novo contrato de gravação para a Warhorse estar em perspectiva na época, ambos os músicos decidiram integrar permanentemente a banda de Wakeman.

Para a Warhorse, assim como para muitas outras bandas, o importante estouro de um álbum de sucesso não aconteceu. Houve um forte interesse da Warner Bros., com o seu veterano representante de A&R, Dave Dee, de fazer o máximo para assinar um contrato da banda com o selo. Às custas da Warner Bros, eles entraram no estúdio e gravaram duas canções, mas ao fim ocorreu uma escolha entre a Warhorse e a Heavy Metal Kids, e a banda acabou sendo rejeitada.

Em 1974, problemas financeiros devastadores marcaram o fim do grupo. O último show da Warhorse ocorreu no final de 1974, no Polhill College, Bedford. Infelizmente o seu P.A. Midas de 2.000 watts quebrou e, apesar dos melhores esforços de seus roadies e empresários, não foi possível fazê-lo funcionar direito. A banda ainda tentou tocar uma canção de B. B. King - "Three o'clock in the morning" -, mas não foi possível, fazendo com que a banda pedisse desculpas à platéia e se retirasse do palco.

Os músicos da Warhorse - Ashley Holt, Pete Parks, Nick Simper, Frank Wilson e Mac Poole - desde então tocaram juntos em várias ocasiões, incluindo 1985 e 2005, ultimamente no aniversário de 60 anos do baterista Mac Poole. Ged Peck faleceu 10 de janeiro de 2015, e Mac Poole em 21 de maio de 2015. Barney James faleceu em 11 de abril de 2016.


Warhorse was a British rock
band formed by Deep Purple's
first bassist Nick Simper.


After being sacked by Deep Purple in 1969, Nick Simper joined Marsha Hunt's backing band. Not long after, Nick Simper replaced her backing band with Ged Peck on guitar, and Mac Poole on drums. When Marsha Hunt became pregnant, the band stopped touring, and Nick Simper and Ged Peck re-organized the group as Warhorse. Ashley Holt became the band's singer, and they recruited keyboardist Rick Wakeman. When the first demo was recorded in April 1970, Rick Wakeman left to join the Strawbs and was replaced by Frank Wilson.

Warhorse signed to Vertigo, and released the first album, "Warhorse", in November 1970. The band was managed by Ron Hire, originally part of HEC Enterprises, the original investors in Deep Purple.

The band began to tour, but made little progress, and the album failed to chart. A single, "St. Louis", was released, which failed to chart. By 1971, after arguments about style, Ged Peck left and moved to classical guitar playing. He was replaced by Pete Parks, from Black August, a band that had been sharing Warhorse's rehearsal room.

In June 1972, the next album, "Red sea", was released, but soon after Warhorse was dropped from the label. Around the same time, Mac Poole decided to leave Warhorse for Gong. The band carried on, and replaced Mac Poole with Barney James. Rick Wakeman remembered Ashley Holt and Barney James and recruited both when he formed his band The English Rock Ensemble for his solo albums, "Journey to the centre of the Earth" and "The myths and legends of King Arthur and The Knights of the Round Table". Although a new record deal for Warhorse was in the cards at the time, both musicians decided to join Wakeman's band permanently.

For Warhorse, as for many other bands, the all-important breakthrough of a hit album didn't happen. There was strong interest from Warner Bros., with their veteran A&R representative Dave Dee, to do their best to sign the band to the label. At the expense of Warner Bros., they went into the studio and recorded two songs, but in the end there was a choice between Warhorse and the Heavy Metal Kids, and the band ended up being rejected.

In 1974, devastating financial problems marked the end of the group. The last Warhorse show took place in late 1974 at Polhill College, Bedford. Unfortunately, its 2,000-watt P.A. Midas broke down, and despite the best efforts of its roadies and management, it was unable to get it working properly. The band even tried to play a song by B. B. King - "Three o'clock in the morning" -, but it was not possible, causing the band to apologize to the audience and leave the stage.

Warhorse musicians - Ashley Holt, Pete Parks, Nick Simper, Frank Wilson, and Mac Poole - have since played together on several occasions, including 1985 and 2005, latterly for drummer Mac Poole's 60th birthday. Ged Peck died on January 10, 2015, and Mac Poole on 21 May 2015. Barney James died on April 11, 2016.

Ashley Holt - vocal principal
(1970-1974, 1985, 2005)
Nick Simper - baixo
(1970-1974, 1985, 2005)
Mac Poole - bateria
(1970-1972, 1985, 2005)
Ged Peck - guitarra (1970-1971)
Rick Wakeman - teclados (1970)
Frank Wilson - teclados
(1970-1974, 1985, 2005)
Pete Parks - guitarra
(1971-1974, 1985, 2005)
Barney James -
bateria (1972-

Barney James & Warhorse


Warhorse (1970)
[1990, Repertoire Records]
Warhorse - Warhorse - 1970 (1990, Repertoire Records [front])
01. Vulture blood
02. No chance
03. Burning
04. St. Louis
05. Ritual
06. Solitude
07. Woman of
the devil

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Warhorse (1970)
[2002Akarma Records]
Warhorse - Warhorse - 1970 (2002, Akarma Records [front])
01. Vulture blood
02. No chance
03. Burning
04. St. Louis
05. Ritual
06. Solitude
07. Woman of
the devil
08. Ritual
(live, bonus)
09. Miss Jane
(demo version, bonus)
10. Solitude (live, bonus)
11. Woman of the devil
(live, bonus)
12. Burning
(live, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Red sea (1972)
[1990Repertoire Records]
Warhorse - Red sea - 1972 (1990, Repertoire Records [front])
01. Red sea
02. Back in time
03. Confident
but wrong
04. Feeling
05. Sybilla
06. Mouthpiece
07. I (Who have

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Red sea (1972)
[1999Angel Air Records]
Warhorse - Red sea - 1972 (1999, Angel Air Records [front])
01. Red sea
02. Back in time
03. Confident
but wrong
04. Feeling
05. Sybilla
06. Mouthpiece
07. I (Who have
08. Ritual
(live, bonus)
09. Bad time
(demo, bonus)
10. She was my
friend (demo, bonus)
11. Gypsy dancer
(demo, bonus)
12. House of the dolls
(demo, bonus)
13. Standing right
behind you

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!


The second coming (1975)
Barney James & Warhorse - Koneg 'The second coming' - 1975  (front)
01. Koneg's arrival
02. Longships
03. Fanfare
04. All the
prizes taken
05. Odin's

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
Link para a pasta
Warhorse: enjoy!

Warhorse - Warhorse - 1970
Warhorse Ritual 1971
Warhorse Red sea 1972

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