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sábado, 8 de julho de 2023

The Good Rats (Hard Rock {US})

The Good Rats (photo 01)

The Good Rats (ou apenas Good Rats) é uma banda de rock americana de Long Island, Nova York. Sua música mistura elementos do rock com blues e pop. A banda é mais conhecida em sua terra natal, Long Island, embora a banda tenha tido algum sucesso nacional e internacionalmente.

A revista Rolling Stone, a mais respeitada revista de rock, rotulou a The Good Rats como "a banda desconhecida mais famosa do mundo". Astros do rock como Kiss, Jon Bon Jovi e Billy Joel, juntamente com celebridades como Alec Baldwin, Rosie O'Donnel e muitos outros, estão entre os muitos fãs da The Good Rats.

A banda foi incluída no Long Island Music Hall Of Fame junto com Billy Joel, Kiss, The Ramones, Blue Oyster Cult, Pat Benetar, Barbra Streisand, Mariah Carey e outros. Os artistas multi-platina The Ramones e Public Enemy prestaram homenagem a The Good Rats na indução ao Hall of Fame.

The Good Rats encabeçaram e abriram para grandes artistas como Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, The Ramones, Ozzy Osbourne, The Grateful Dead, Kiss, Journey e muitos outros durante sua carreira. A banda já se apresentou no Madison Square Garden, no Philadephia Spectrum, no Nassau Coliseum, no Hammersmith Odeon na Inglaterra, no Holleder Stadium em Rochester e em muitos outros.

Em 1976, em uma entrevista de rádio distribuída nacionalmente, um membro da banda Journey os chamou de "a maior banda de rock do mundo".


Formado em 1964, o grupo original consistia em cinco alunos da St. John's University no Queens, Nova York: Ted Haenlein, Frank Stapleton (Frank nunca ligou seu baixo porque não o tocava, mas parecia bom no palco), Eric Crane, Denny Ryan e Peppi Marchello. O grupo foi originalmente chamado de U-Men e fez a maioria de seus shows em Rockaways (Peyton Place & McNultys) e Long Island (The Attic, Tiger's Tail etc.).

Em 1966, o irmão de Stapleton, John, providenciou para que o grupo tocasse em um clube em Queens, Nova York (The John Doe Room), onde um executivo da gravadora os ouviu e acabou contratando a banda, mas sugeriu que uma mudança de nome estava em ordem. A banda continuou a tocar os 40 melhores covers enquanto trabalhava em suas próprias músicas originais.

No outono de 1966, a composição da banda havia mudado com o irmão de Peppi, Micky, na guitarra, Denny Ryan na bateria, Teddy H. no ritmo e canto e Art Fahie (também conhecido como Crazy Artie) no baixo. A introdução dos "Rats" na costa norte de Long Island ocorreu em um clube chamado Knotty Knee, cujos proprietários Jack Dowd e Al Cunningham confiaram no grupo para lotar o local sete noites por semana. Alguns anos depois, Marty Ross assumiu a propriedade do lugar com o nome de McDimples, e por um tempo tudo continuou como antes. Os "Rats" também ficaram conhecidos por tocar no The Cage, em Williston Park, bem como no The Go-Go 7, em Port Washington. Em 1968, "Teddy" Haenlein foi convocado e foi para o Vietnã, mas voltou ao grupo de 1970 a 1972.

Em 1969, a banda lançou seu primeiro álbum, autointitulado "The Good Rats", que teve popularidade cult entre os nova-iorquinos locais e foi transplantado quando foi lançado. Dois de seus cortes mais memoráveis são a música de introdução: "We are The Good Rats", onde os membros da banda cantam a saudação "hello-hello-hello" usada pela Stooges; e o marco "Joey Ferrari", uma canção proto-punk ("Joey Ferrari, embora você seja pobre, não lhe dá o direito de enlouquecer"). The Good Rats continuou a construir seguidores, tocando na próspera cena club de Long Island, junto com outros grupos, como Twisted Sister e Zebra. De 1970 até o início de 1972, a banda consistia em Peppi, Mickey, Teddy (guitarra), John Argento (baixo) e Charlie Zarou (bateria). A banda tocou semanalmente no The Baldwin Manor e no Back Alley Sallys (do qual Peppi e John Argento formaram parceria no bar). The Good Rats continuou fazendo covers, adicionando originais, até que os originais fossem principalmente solicitados. Durante esse tempo canções como "Hour glass", "Injun Joe", "Mean mother", "Yellow flower", foram solicitadas por uma base de fãs que continuou a crescer rapidamente. Um raro LP gravado em estúdio, gravado e masterizado no Echo Studios, em East Meadow, foi usado para comprar a banda para gravadoras.

Em 1974, The Good Rats lançou seu álbum mais conhecido e popular: "Tasty". Apresentava uma mistura de hard rock e blues, com destaque para os vocais roucos de Marchello. Várias canções deste álbum, incluindo "Injun Joe", "Papa Poppa", "Back to my music" e "Songwriter", e a faixa-título de blues, foram tocadas em todo o país nas rádios FM. Durante os anos seguintes, The Good Rats se apresentou em locais como Madison Square Garden, The Philadelphia Spectrum, The Nassau Coliseum, The Hammersmith Odeon na Inglaterra e no Central Park de Nova York, bem como salas de exibição como The Bottom Line (Manhattan), My Father's Place (Roslyn, Nova York), Whiskey a Go Go (Los Angeles), Casino Arena (Asbury Park, NJ) e The Paradise Room (Boston). A banda encabeçou ou abriu para bandas como Rush, Journey, Kiss, Meat Loaf, Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne, The Grateful Dead, Bruce Springsteen, The Allman Brothers Band, Mountain e Styx.

Entre 1976 e 1980, The Good Rats lançou uma série de álbuns, incluindo "Ratcity in blue" (1976), "From Rats to riches'" (1978), "Birth comes to us all" (1978) e "Live at last", todos os quais foram bem recebidos pela base de fãs da banda, e receberam alguns airplay na rádio FM. Em 1981, Gatto e Kotke deixaram a banda, e foram substituídos pelo futuro guitarrista da Kiss, Bruce Kulick, e pelo baixista Schuyler Deale (que mais tarde tocou com Billy Joel e Michael Bolton), para o álbum "Great American music". A banda fez shows até 1983 e depois se separou.

Ao longo da década de 1980, Peppi Marchello continuou a escrever e produzir gravações com seu filho Gene. Eles viajaram localmente por um tempo sob o nome de "Popzarocca" até que a música "First love" se tornou um pequeno sucesso para a banda de Gene, Marchello. Marchello também gravou um videoclipe para "First love" e recebeu uma pequena exibição no Headbangers Ball da MTV. Esta banda contou com Gene na guitarra e vocal principal, o baterista John Miceli (Meat Loaf, Rainbow) e o baixista Nick DiMichino. A banda gravou dois álbuns, mas apenas um foi lançado.

Em meados da década de 1990, Marchello e os filhos Gene Marchello e Stefan Marchello começaram a tocar localmente sob o nome de The Good Rats. Eles lançaram três novos CDs de estúdio com esta formação, "Tasty seconds" (1996), "Let's have another beer" (2000) e "Play dum" (2002). Marchello também lançou uma gravação ao vivo de uma aparição em 1979 em um programa de rádio de Rochester, "Rats, the way you like 'em".

Em 1998, Marchello escreveu "A tale of two balls", a introdução do livro "Conflicts of disinterest" (Aardwolf Publishing) de Clifford Meth.

Na década de 2000, a banda continuou a tocar em locais locais em Nova York, Long Island, Nova Jersey e Connecticut, bem como tocar anualmente em seu próprio festival ao ar livre de fim de semana de verão apropriadamente chamado Ratstock. A certa altura, The "New" Good Rats (Peppi e seus filhos) se apresentou como o ato de abertura para uma apresentação de reunião dos "velhos" Good Rats. Anunciada como The Original Good Rats, Peppi foi acompanhado por Mickey, Kotke, Franco e Gatto em 4 de outubro de 2008 em um pequeno local em Long Island, e para um par de shows esgotados no B.B. King's em Manhattan.

Em 2008, Gene Marchello deixou a banda para seguir por conta própria. No entanto, The Good Rats, apresentando Peppi e Stefan Marchello, continuou jogando em clubes de fim de semana em Long Island.

The Good Rats foi introduzida no Long Island Music Hall of Fame em 2008.

Peppi Marchello é citado com destaque na história em quadrinhos da IDW Publishing, "Snaked", de Clifford Meth, e foi tema de outras histórias do autor.

Em julho de 2009, Peppi Marchello cortou uma série de três comerciais para a organização de doação de carros Kars4Kids.

No lançamento "Roadie" da Magnolia Pictures 2011, o personagem Nikki pega "Ratcity in blue" da coleção de discos de vinil de Jimmy e eles ouvem algumas faixas começando com "Advertisement in the voice". Isso traz de volta memórias deles vendo a banda todos os sábados à noite com sua amiga Steph quando eles estavam no colégio. Peppi Marchello faz uma aparição no filme.

Em 2012, Peppi Marchello lançou um novo álbum da The Good Rats, "Blue collar Rats: the lost archives", em seu selo Uncle Rat Music. O CD continha uma nova música mais 19 canções inéditas gravadas entre 1975 e 1984, algumas apresentando a formação original da The Good Rats e outras incluindo Kulick, Deale, Gene Marchello e vários outros músicos.

The Original Good Rats continuou a fazer dois shows de primavera (em uma noite) anualmente no B.B. King's de Manhattan, bem como um show no outono no The Crazy Donkey em Long Island, até 2013.

Peppi Marchello morreu em 10 de julho de 2013 de ataque cardíaco em sua casa em Nissequogue. Ele tinha 68 anos e estava se recuperando de uma cirurgia cardíaca que fez em junho.

A Aardwolf Publishing anunciou a publicação de "Peppi Marchello: Song writer" no Kickstarter.

Em 2014, Stefan Marchello lançou um álbum póstumo de material no qual ele e Peppi trabalharam antes da morte de Peppi, intitulado "Afterlife". Em 2016, ele lançou "Making rock and roll great again", um álbum que contém mais material póstumo de Peppi Marchello, além de algum material original de Stefan Marchello.

A banda agora continua com Stefan Marchello. Stefan tocou com Peppi por 23 anos.


The Good Rats (or just Good Rats) is an American rock band from Long Island, New York. Its music mixes elements of rock with blues and pop. The band is best known on its native Long Island, although the band had some success nationally and internationally.

Rolling Stone magazine, the most respected rock magazine, has labeled The Good Rats as "the world's most famous unknown band". Rock stars like Kiss, Jon Bon Jovi and Billy Joel, along with celebrities like Alec Baldwin, Rosie O'Donnel and many others, are among the many fans of The Good Rats.

The band was inducted into the Long Island Music Hall Of Fame along with Billy Joel, Kiss, The Ramones, Blue Oyster Cult, Pat Benetar, Barbra Streisand, Mariah Carey and others. Multi-platinum recording artist The Ramones and Public Enemy both paid tribute to The Good Rats at the Hall of Fame induction.

The Good Rats have headlined and opened up for such great artist as Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, The Ramones, Ozzy Osbourne, The Grateful Dead, Kiss, Journey and many others during their career. The band have performed at Madison Square Garden, the Philadephia Spectrum, the Nassau Coliseum, the Hammersmith Odeon in England, Holleder Stadium in Rochester, and many more.

In 1976, on a nationally syndicated radio interview, a member of the band Journey called them "the greatest rock band in the world".


Formed in 1964, the original group consisted of five students from St. John's University in Queens, New York: Ted Haenlein, Frank Stapleton (Frank never plugged in his bass as he did not play it, but it looked good on stage), Eric Crane, Denny Ryan and Peppi Marchello. The group was originally called the U-Men and played most of their gigs in the Rockaways (Peyton Place & McNultys) and Long Island (The Attic, Tiger's Tail etc.).

In 1966, Stapleton's brother, John, arranged for the group to play at a club in Queens, New York (The John Doe Room) where a record company executive heard them and eventually signed the band, but suggested a name change was in order. The band continued to play top 40 covers while working on their own original music.

By the fall of 1966 the composition of the band had changed with Peppi's brother Micky on guitar, Denny Ryan on drums, Teddy H. on rhythm & singing, and Art Fahie (aka Crazy Artie) on bass. The introduction of the "Rats" to Long Island's northshore took place at a club called the Knotty Knee, whose owners Jack Dowd & Al Cunningham trusted the group to fill the venue seven-nights per week. A few years later, Marty Ross took ownership of the place under the name McDimples, and for a while everything went on as it had been. The "Rats" were also known for playing in The Cage, in Williston Park, as well as The Go-Go 7, in Port Washington. In 1968, "Teddy" Haenlein was drafted and went to Vietnam, but did rejoin the group from 1970 to 1972.

In 1969, the band released their first album, the self-titled The Good Rats which had cult popularity with New Yorkers local and transplanted when it launched. Two of its more memorable cuts are the intro song: "We are The Good Rats" where the band members sing the "hello-hello-hello" greeting used by the 3 Stooges; and the landmark "Joey Ferrari", a proto-punk song ("Joey Ferrari, though you're from the poor side, don't give you no right to go wild"). The Good Rats continued to build a following, playing Long Island's thriving club scene, along with other groups, such as Twisted Sister and Zebra. From 1970 until early 1972, the band consisted of Peppi, Mickey, Teddy (guitar) John Argento (bass) and Charlie Zarou (drums). They played weekly at The Baldwin Manor, Back Alley Sallys (of which Peppi and John Argento took on a partnership of the bar). The Good Rats continued doing cover tunes, adding originals in, till originals were primarily asked for, during this time songs such as "Hour glass", "Injun Joe", "Mean mother", "Yellow flower", were requested by a fans base that continued to grow rapidly. A rare studio recorded LP, recorded and mastered at Echo Studios, in East Meadow, was used for shopping the band to record companies.

In 1974, The Good Rats released its best-known and most popular album: "Tasty". It featured a blend of hard rock and blues, highlighted by Marchello's raspy vocals. Various songs from this record, including "Injun Joe", "Papa Poppa", "Back to my music" and "The songwriter", and the blues title track, received airplay around the country on FM radio. During the following years, The Good Rats performed at venues such as Madison Square Garden, The Philadelphia Spectrum, The Nassau Coliseum, The Hammersmith Odeon in England, and New York's Central Park, as well as showcase rooms such as The Bottom Line (Manhattan), My Father's Place (Roslyn, New York), Whiskey a Go Go (Los Angeles), Casino Arena (Asbury Park, NJ) and The Paradise Room (Boston). The band headlined or opened for bands such as Rush, Journey, Kiss, Meat Loaf, Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne, The Grateful Dead, Bruce Springsteen, The Allman Brothers Band, Mountain and Styx.

Between 1976 and 1980, The Good Rats released a series of albums, including "Ratcity in blue" (1976), "From Rats to riches'" (1978), "Birth comes to us all" (1978), and "Live at last", all of which were well received by the band's fan base, and received some airplay on FM radio. In 1981, Gatto and Kotke left the band, and were replaced by future Kiss guitarist Bruce Kulick and bass player Schuyler Deale (who later played with Billy Joel and Michael Bolton), for the album "Great American music". The band did shows until 1983 and then broke up.

Throughout the 1980s, Peppi Marchello continued to write and produce recordings with his son Gene. They toured locally for a while under the name "Popzarocca" until the song "First love" became a minor hit for Gene's band, Marchello. Marchello also recorded a music video for "First love", and had received minor airplay on MTV's Headbangers Ball. This band featured Gene on guitar and lead vocals, drummer John Miceli (Meat Loaf, Rainbow) and bassist Nick DiMichino. The band recorded two albums, but only one was released.

In the mid-1990s, Marchello and sons Gene Marchello and Stefan Marchello began playing out locally under The Good Rats name. They released three new studio CDs with this lineup, "Tasty seconds" (1996), "Let's have another beer" (2000), and "Play dum" (2002). Marchello also released a live recording of a 1979 appearance on a Rochester radio show, "Rats, the way you like 'em".

In 1998, Marchello wrote "A tale of two balls", the introduction to the book "Conflicts of disinterest" (Aardwolf Publishing) by Clifford Meth.

In the 2000s, the band continued to play in local venues throughout New York, Long Island, New Jersey and Connecticut, as well as playing annually in their own summer weekend outdoor festival aptly named Ratstock. At one point, The "New" Good Rats (Peppi and his sons) performed as the opening act for a reunion performance by the "old" Good Rats. Billed as The Original Good Rats, Peppi was joined by Mickey, Kotke, Franco, and Gatto on October 4, 2008 in a small venue on Long Island, and for a pair of sold-out shows at B.B. King's in Manhattan.

In 2008, Gene Marchello left the band to go out on his own. Nevertheless, The Good Rats, featuring Peppi and Stefan Marchello continued playing weekend club dates around Long Island.

The Good Rats was inducted into the Long Island Music Hall of Fame in 2008.

Peppi Marchello is quoted prominently in the IDW Publishing graphic novel "Snaked" by Clifford Meth and has been the subject of other stories by the author.

In July, 2009, Peppi Marchello cut a series of three commercials for the car donation organization Kars4Kids.

In Magnolia Pictures 2011 release "Roadie", the character Nikki pulls out "Ratcity in blue" from Jimmy's vinyl record collection and they listen to a couple of tracks starting with "Advertisement in the voice". This brings back memories of them seeing the band every Saturday night with their friend Steph when they were in high school. Peppi Marchello makes a cameo appearance in the film.

In 2012, Peppi Marchello released a new The Good Rats album, "Blue collar Rats: the lost archives", on his Uncle Rat Music label. The CD contained one new song plus 19 previously unreleased songs recorded between 1975 and 1984, some featuring the original The Good Rats line-up, and others including Kulick, Deale, Gene Marchello and various other musicians.

The Original Good Rats continued to play two spring shows (in one night) annually at Manhattan's B.B. King's, as well as a show in the fall at "The Crazy Donkey" in Long Island, until 2013.

Peppi Marchello died on July 10, 2013 of a heart attack at his Nissequogue home. He was 68 and was recovering from heart surgery he had in June.

Aardwolf Publishing announced the publication of "Peppi Marchello: Song writer" on Kickstarter.

In 2014, Stefan Marchello released a posthumous album of material that he and Peppi had worked on before Peppi's death, titled "Afterlife". In 2016, he released "Making rock and roll great again", an album that contains more of Peppi Marchello's posthumous material, plus some original material by Stefan Marchello.

The band now continues with Stefan Marchello. Stefan played with Peppi for 23 years.

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Formação atual
Dan Smiraglia - teclados
Stefan Marchello - baixo, vocal
Dan Ratchford - guitarra, vocal
Hugo Lopes - bateria

Membros antigos
Peppi Marchello - vocal principal
Mickey Marchello - guitarra
John Gatto - guitarra, teclado
Lenny Kotke - baixo
Joey Franco - bateria
Bruce Kulick - guitarra
Crazy Artie - baixo
Mike Haupt - bateria
Schuyler Deale - baixo
David Rosenthal - teclados

The Good Rats (photo 02)


The Good Rats (1969)
The Good Rats - The Good Rats - 1968 (front)
01. We are
The Good Rats
02. Joey Ferrari
03. For the sake of anyone
04. Anybody got the time
05. My back is achin'
(And my mind is no better)
06. The hobo
07. If you stay by me
08. Gotta get back
09. The truth is gone
10. Family portrait
11. Stop, look and listen
(previously unreleased,

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Tasty (1974)
The Good Rats - Tasty - 1974 (front)
01. Back
to my music
02. Injun Joe
03. Tasty
04. Papa Poppa
05. Klash-Ka-Bob
06. Fireball express
07. Fred Upstairs
& Ginger Snappers
08. 300 boys
09. Phil Fleish
10. Songwriter

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

in blue (1976)
The Good Rats - Ratcity in blue - 1976 (front)
01. Does it
make you feel good
02. Boardwalk slasher
03. Ratcity in blue
04. Reason to kill
05. Writing the pages
06. The room
07. Almost anything goes
08. Advertisement
in the voice
09. Yellow flower
10. Tough guy
11. Hour glass
12. Mean mother

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

From Rats
to riches' (1978)
The Good Rats - From Rats to riches' - 1978 (front)
01. Taking it to Detroit
02. Just found me a lady
03. Mr. Mechanic
04. Dear sir
05. Let me
06. Victory in space
07. Coo coo coo blues
08. Don't hate the ones
who bring you rock & roll
09. Could be tonight
10. Local zero

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Birth comes
to us all (1978)
The Good Rats - Birth comes to us all - 1978 (front)
01. School days
02. City liners
03. Cherry river
04. Gino
05. Ordinary man
06. Man on a fish
07. You're still doing it
08. Juvenile song
09. Bed and a bottle
10. Birth comes
to us all

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Cover of night (2000)
The Good Rats - Cover of night - 2000 (front)
01. Cover of night
02. Get it right
03. Thunder rocks my soul
04. Feelin' good again
05. Love on the beach
06. Evil little boy
07. Major
minor chord
08. Grazy,
wild and angry
09. She's stayin'
home tonight
10. Hotline
11. Snakebite
12. Football

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

ALBUMS at last (1979)
[recorded live in July 4, 1979]
The Good Rats - at last - 1979 (front)
01. Taking
it to Detroit
02. Does it
make you feel good
03. You're still doing it
04. School days
05. Cherry river
06. Injun Joe
07. Let me
08. Tasty
09. Fred Upstairs
and Ginger Snappers
10. Klash-Ka-Bob
11. Fireball express
12. Victory in space
13. Reason to kill
14. Local zero

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

The way
you like 'em (1998)
[recorded live in April 9, 1979]
The Good Rats - The way you like em! - 1998 (front)
01. Detroit
02. Does it make
you feel good
03. Tasty
04. Rat city in blue
05. Beat up rambler
06. Fireball express
07. Coo coo blues
08. Dear sir
09. Reason to kill
10. Local zero
11. Let me
12. Mr. Mechanic
13. Injun Joe
14. Yellow flower
15. Silly boring

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Birth comes to us all +
Great American music (1999)
The Good Rats - Birth comes to us all + Great American music - 1999 (front)
01. School days
02. City liners
03. Cherry river
04. Gino
05. Ordinary man
06. Man on a fish
07. You're still doing it
08. Juvenile song
09. Bed and a bottle
10. Birth comes
to us all
11. Spirit
of the times
12. Better man
13. New York
14. Julie
15. Audience
16. Hollywood ending
17. Great American
music halls
18. Yes or no
19. Icy cold
20. On my
way to school
21. Oh, so good!
22. Rock and roll
point of view

Mp3 320kbps and
artworks: enjoy!
Link para a pasta
The Good Rats:

The Good Rats - Tasty - 1974
The Good Rats - Reason to kill - 1978

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