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domingo, 27 de agosto de 2023

Still Life - Still Life - 1971 (Progressive Rock {UK})

Still Life - Still Life - 1971 (1991, Repertoire Records [front])

Still Life foi uma banda inglesa de rock progressivo caracterizada pela execução experiente do órgão Hammond, harmonias vocais intrincadas e originais e uma seção rítmica ágil e precisa. A banda lançou em 1971 seu único álbum autointitulado.


O baixista Graham Amos e o vocalista Martin Cure começaram sua experiência musical em 1963 em uma banda de Coventry chamada The Sabres. Mais tarde, eles formaram a The Peeps em 1965. Os outros dois membros da banda eram Roye Albrighton (guitarra) e Paul Wilkinson (bateria). The Peeps gravou cinco EPs pela Philips Records (1966 a 68).

Em 1968, a banda recrutou Terry Howells no órgão (ex-Ray King Soul Band). O baterista, Paul Wilkinson, deixou a banda em 1968 para se juntar a uma banda chamada Flying Machine. Com um novo baterista, Gordon Reed (ex-Vampires), o nome da banda foi alterado para The Rainbows. The Rainbows gravou dois singles para a CBS Records. The Rainbows também fez alguns shows em Hamburgo, na Alemanha, e quando terminou lá, seu guitarrista, Roye Albrighton, decidiu ficar na Alemanha (mais tarde formou uma banda chamada Nektar). Quando The Rainbows voltou para a Inglaterra, Gordon Reed deixou a banda. Os três músicos restantes: Graham Amos, Martin Cure e Terry Howells, mudaram o nome da banda para Still Life. Alan Savage foi recrutado em curto prazo, antes da nova formação gravar o álbum de estréia. O álbum foi gravado no Nova Sound Recording Studios, perto de Marble Arch, em Londres.

Alan Savage esteve envolvido na gravação nas seguintes datas: 1, 2, 5, 6 e 13 de outubro de 1970. O álbum foi mixado em 26 de outubro. Stephen Shane produziu o álbum, que foi lançado pela Vertigo Records. O jornalista do Allmusic, Richie Unterberger, observou: "O disco era um rock progressivo dominado por órgãos, seus temas líricos residiam em dúvidas e tristezas inquietantes, as melodias coloridas com o classicismo gótico predominante em grande parte do gênero durante o período". A banda tinha um contrato de gravação para produzir seis desses álbuns, mas se desfez.


Graham Amos morava na Inglaterra, mas morreu em junho de 2003. Terry Howells agora mora na Suíça e em abril de 2012 gravou um álbum solo intitulado "Tangerine puddles". O álbum é piano solo, com toda composição de Terry Howells. Alan Savage mora em Northampton e ainda toca bateria. Martin Cure juntou-se a Cupid's Inspiration em 1971 e, em 1980, ele e seus amigos da Cupid's Inspiration formaram um grupo chamado Chevy. Em 1981, Chevy assinou contrato com a Avatar Records e gravou um álbum e três singles. Em 1983, Martin Cure tocou com o grupo Red on Red. Ele agora tem sua própria empresa de PA, mas ainda faz shows ocasionais com Cupid's Inspiration e The Rouges.


Still Life was an English progressive rock band characterized by expert Hammond organ playing, intricate and original vocal harmonies, and an agile and precise rhythm section. The band released in 1971 its one self-titled album.


Bassist Graham Amos and vocalist Martin Cure began their musical experience in 1963 in a Coventry based band called The Sabres. They later formed The Peeps in 1965. The other two members of the band were Roye Albrighton (guitar) and Paul Wilkinson (drums). The Peeps recorded five EPs for Philips Records (1966 to 68).

In 1968, the band recruited Terry Howells on organ (ex-Ray King Soul Band). The drummer, Paul Wilkinson, left the band in 1968 to joined a band called Flying Machine. With a new drummer, Gordon Reed (ex-Vampires), the band's name was changed to The Rainbows. The Rainbows recorded two singles for CBS Records. The Rainbows also had some gigs in Hamburg, Germany, and when they were finished there their guitarist, Roye Albrighton, decided to stay in Germany (later, he formed a band called Nektar). When Rainbows came back to England, Gordon Reed left the band. The three remaining musicians: Graham Amos, Martin Cure and Terry Howells, changed a band name to Still Life. Alan Savage was recruited at short notice prior to the new line-up recording the debut album. The album was recorded at Nova Sound Recording Studios, near Marble Arch, London.

Alan Savage was involved with the recording on the following dates: 1, 2, 5, 6 and 13 October 1970. The album was mixed on 26 October. Stephen Shane produced the album, which was released through Vertigo Records. The Allmusic journalist, Richie Unterberger, noted "The record was early organ-dominated progressive rock, its lyrical themes dwelling upon uneasy doubt and sadness, the melodies colored with the gothic classicism prevalent in much of the genre during the period". The band had a recording contract to produce six such albums, but it drifted apart.


Graham Amos was living in England, but he died in June 2003. Terry Howells now lives in Switzerland, and in April 2012 recorded a solo album entitled "Tangerine puddles". The album is solo piano, with all composition by Terry Howells. Alan Savage lives in Northampton, and still plays the drums. Martin Cure joined Cupid's Inspiration in 1971, and in 1980, he and his friends from Cupid's Inspiration formed a group called Chevy. In 1981, Chevy had a record deal with Avatar Records and recorded one album and three singles. In 1983, Martin Cure played with the group Red on Red. He now has his own PA company but still does occasional gigs with Cupid's Inspiration and The Rouges.

Martin Cure - vocal
Terry Howells - órgão
Graham Amos - baixo
Alan Savage - bateria

Still Life (photo 01)

01. People
in black
02. Don't go
03. October
04. Love song
nº 6 (I'll never
love you girl)
05. Dreams
06. Time

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full artworks: enjoy!
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Still Life: enjoy!

Still Life - Still Life - 1971

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