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segunda-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2023

Andwella (Psychedelic Rock {Irlanda do Norte})

Andwella (photo 01)

Andwella foi uma banda de rock psicodélico de Belfast, Irlanda do Norte, formada em 1968, originalmente como The Method e mais tarde renomeada como Andwella's Dream. O trio era liderado por Dave Lewis (guitarra, teclado, vocal), com Nigel Smith no baixo e vocal, e Gordon Barton na bateria.

O primeiro álbum, como Andwella's Dream, "Love and poetry", foi gravado em Londres em 1968, e contou com a participação do músico de jazz Bob Downes no saxofone e flauta, e Wilgar Campbell na bateria para a faixa "Felix". No entanto, o álbum não vendeu, e Lewis então gravou um álbum solo, prensado de forma privada, pelo selo Ax em 1970, que incluía novas versões de algumas das canções da Andwella's Dream. Em seguida, em 1970, David Lewis escreveu a música e produziu o álbum "Goodbye Dave" do poeta David Baxter, que foi apoiado pela banda.

Com a adição de Dave McDougall na guitarra e vocal, a banda foi renomeada para Andwella. Esta formação lançou "World's end", antes de Dave Struthers substituir Nigel Smith no baixo e Jack McCullock entrar como baterista. Essa formação gravou o último álbum da banda, "People's people", em 1971, após o qual a banda se separou em 1972.

Lewis mais tarde escreveu "Happy to be on an island in the sun", gravada na década de 1970 por Demis Roussos.


Andwella was a psychedelic rock band from Belfast, Northern Ireland, formed in 1968, originally as The Method and later renamed Andwella's Dream. The trio was fronted by Dave Lewis (guitar, keyboard, vocal), with Nigel Smith on bass and vocal, and Gordon Barton on drums.

The first album, as Andwella's Dream, "Love and poetry", was recorded in London in 1968, and featured jazz musician Bob Downes on saxophone and flute, and Wilgar Campbell on drums for the track "Felix".  However, the album failed to sell, and Lewis then recorded a solo album, privately pressed, on the Ax label in 1970, which included new versions of some of the Andwella's Dream songs. Then in 1970 David Lewis wrote the music for and produced poet David Baxter's "Goodbye Dave" album, which was backed by the band.

With the addition of Dave McDougall on guitar and vocal, the band was renamed Andwella. This line-up issued "World's end", before Dave Struthers replaced Nigel Smith on bass and Jack McCullock joined as drummer. This lineup recorded the bands' last album, "People's people", in 1971, after which the band broke up in 1972.

Lewis later went on to write "Happy to be on an island in the sun", recorded in the 1970s by Demis Roussos.

1ª formação
Andwella's Dream
Gordon Barton -
bateria, percussão
Nigel Smith - baixo, vocal
David Lewis - vocal,
guitarra, piano,
órgão, flauta
Wilgar Campbell - bateria
Bob Downes - flauta, sinos,
tam-tam, pratos de dedo,
percussão, ti-tse (flauta de
bambu chinesa)
2ª formação
Nigel Smith - baixo, vocal
Gordon Barton - bateria, percussão
David Lewis - vocal, guitarra,
piano, órgão, flauta
Dave McDougall - piano,
órgão, vocal
3ª formação
Dave Struthers - baixo, vocal
Jack McCulloch - percussão
Dave McDougall - piano, órgão
David Lewis - vocal, guitarra,
piano, órgão

Andwella's Dream (band photo)
Andwella (photo 02)


Love and poetry (1969)
[2009, Sumbeam Records]
Andwella's Dream - Love and poetry - 1969 (2009, Sumbeam Records [front])
01. The days grew
longer for love
02. Sunday
03. Lost a
number found a king
04. Man without a name
05. Clockwork man
06. Cocaine.
07. Shades of grey
08. High on a
09. Andwella
10. Midday sun
11. Take my road
12. Felix
13. Goodbye
14. Mrs. Man (45 a-side, bonus)
15. Mr. Sunshine (45 b-side, bonus)
16. Every little minute (45 a-side, bonus)
17. Michael FitzHenry (45 b-side, bonus)
18. Take my road (alternate mix, bonus)
19. Man without a name (bonus)
20. Miles away from my
baby (2008, bonus)
21. Paradise isle
(2008, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

World's end (1970)
[2017, Geffen Records]
Andwella - World's end - 1970 (2017, Geffen Records [front])
01. Hold on
to your mind
02. Lady love
03. Michael FitzHenry
04. I'm just happy
to see you get her
05. Just how long
06. World's end (part I)
07. World's end (part II)
08. Back on the road
09. I got a woman
10. Reason for living
11. Shadow of
the night

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

People's people (1971)
[2017Geffen Records]
Andwella - People's people - 1971 (2017, Geffen Records [front])
01. She taught me to love
02. Saint Bartholomew
03. World of Angelique
04. Mississippi water
05. I've got my own
06. Are you ready?
07. Four days
in September
08. Lazy days
09. People's people
10. Behind the
painted screen
11. All for you

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!
Andwella [MP3]: enjoy!
Andwella [FLAC]: enjoy!

Andwella's DreamLove and poetry - 1969
Andwella - World's end - 1970

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