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terça-feira, 13 de julho de 2021

Matching Mole (Progressive Rock {UK})

Matching Mole (1)

Matching Mole foi uma banda inglesa de rock progressivo associada à cena de Canterbury. Robert Wyatt formou a banda em outubro de 1971 após deixar a Soft Machine e gravou seu primeiro álbum solo "The end of an ear" (4 de dezembro de 1970). Ele continuou seu papel nos vocais e bateria e foi acompanhado por David Sinclair (da Caravan) no órgão e piano, Dave MacRae no piano elétrico, Phil Miller (da Delivery) na guitarra e Bill MacCormick (da Quiet Sun) no baixo. O nome é um trocadilho com "Machine Molle", a tradução francesa do nome do grupo anterior de Wyatt, Soft Machine. Porém há quem diga que o significado do nome da banda é duplo: já que "toupeira combativa" ("toupeira correspondente") se referia a grupos de esquerda (trotskistas) cuja particularidade era penetrar nos partidos políticos e sindicatos tradicionais de Esquerda - daí seus apelidos de "toupeiras". Encontramos essas referências políticas - desta vez ao maoísmo - no segudo álbum da banda.


Seu primeiro álbum homônimo foi lançado em abril de 1972, a maior parte do qual foi composta pelo próprio Wyatt, com exceção de "O Caroline" (uma composição de Dave Sinclair com letras de Wyatt sobre seu recente rompimento com a namorada Caroline Coon) e Phil Miller "Part of the dance". Sinclair logo saiu do grupo e foi substituído pelo tecladista e compositor nascido na Nova Zelândia Dave MacRae, que já havia desempenhado um papel convidado no primeiro álbum. Seu segundo álbum, "Matching Mole's little red record", produzido por Robert Fripp da King Crimson, foi lançado em novembro de 1972. Este álbum foi mais um esforço de equipe, com Wyatt se concentrando nas letras e melodias vocais e deixando a composição para seus companheiros de banda.

Matching Mole se desfez no final de setembro de 1972 imediatamente após a conclusão de uma turnê européia de apoio a Soft Machine, com Sinclair e Miller formando a mais bem sucedida Hatfield and the North. Uma nova formação - composta por Wyatt, MacCormick, o ex-tecladista da Curved Air Francis Monkman e o saxofonista de jazz Gary Windo - gravaria um terceiro álbum em 1973. Este foi cancelado quando Wyatt caiu de uma janela em junho de 1973, e ficou paralisado da cintura para baixo e, portanto, incapaz de continuar tocando bateria.


Matching Mole was an English progressive rock band associated with the Canterbury scene. Robert Wyatt formed the band in October 1971 after he left Soft Machine and recorded his first solo album "The end of an ear" (4 December 1970). He continued his role on vocals and drums and was joined by David Sinclair (of Caravan) on organ and piano, Dave MacRae on electric piano, Phil Miller (of Delivery) on guitar and Bill MacCormick (of Quiet Sun) on bass. The name is a pun on "Machine Molle", the French translation of the name of Wyatt's previous group Soft Machine. However, there are those who say that the meaning of the band's name is twofold: since the "combative mole" ("matching mole") referred to left-wing groups (Trotskyists) whose particularity was to penetrate Left-wing traditional political parties and unions - hence their nicknames of “moles”. We find these political references - this time to Maoism - on the band's second album.


Their first eponymous album was released in April 1972, the bulk of which was composed by Wyatt himself, with the exception of "O Caroline" (a Dave Sinclair composition with lyrics by Wyatt about his recent breakup with girlfriend Caroline Coon) and Phil Miller's "Part of the dance". Sinclair soon dropped out of the group and was replaced by New Zealand-born keyboard player and composer Dave MacRae, who had already played a guest role on the first album. Its second album, "Matching Mole's little red record" produced by Robert Fripp (of King Crimson) was released in November 1972. This album was more of a team effort, with Wyatt concentrating on lyrics and vocal melodies and leaving the composing to his bandmates.

Matching Mole disbanded in late September 1972 immediately upon completion of a European tour supporting Soft Machine, with Sinclair and Miller going on to form the more successful Hatfield and the North. A new lineup - consisting of Wyatt, MacCormick, ex-Curved Air keyboardist Francis Monkman and jazz saxophonist Gary Windo - was due to record a third album in 1973. This was cancelled when Wyatt fell from a window in June 1973, and was paralysed from the waist down, and therefore unable to continue drumming.

2ª formação
Robert Wyatt - bateria,
melotron, piano, voz
David Sinclair - piano, órgão
Phil Miller - guitarras
Bill MacCormick - baixo
Dave MacRae - piano

2ª formação
Robert Wyatt - bateria, voz
David MacRae - piano de cauda,
piano elétrico, órgão Hammond
Phil Miller - guitarras
Bill MacCormick - baixo

Matching Mole (2)


Matching Mole (1972)
Matching Mole (1972)
CD 01
01. O Caroline
02. Instant pussy
03. Signed curtain
04. Part of the dance
05. Instant kitten
06. Dedicated to Hugh,
but you weren't listening
07. Beer as in braindeer
08. Immediate curtain
09. O Caroline (single
version, bonus)
10. Signed curtain
(single edit, bonus)
11. Part of the dance jam
(previously unreleased,

CD 02
01. Signed curtain
(take 2, previously
unreleased, bonus)
02. Memories membrane
(previously unreleased, bonus)
03. Part of the dance (take 1,
previously unreleased, bonus)
04. Horse (previously
unreleased, bonus)
05. Immediate kitten
(John Peel Show,
January 1972, bonus)
06. Marchides/Instant pussy/
Smoke signal
(John Peel Show,
April 1972,

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Matching Mole's
little red record (1972)
Matching Mole's little red record (1972)
CD 01
01. Starting in the middle
of the day we can drink
our politics away
02. Marchides
03. Nan true's hole
04. Righteous rhumba
05. Brandy as in Benj
06. Gloria gloom
07. God song
08. Flora fidgit
09. Smoke signal

CD 02
01. Instant pussy/
Lithing and gracing
(BBC Radio 1 "In
concert" session, bonus)
02.Marchides (BBC Radio 1
"In concert" session, bonus)
03.Part of the dance/
Brandy as in Benji
(BBC Radio 1 "In
concert" session, bonus)
04.Starting in the
middle of the day
we can drink our
politics away (take 1,
previously unreleased, bonus)
05.Smoke signal (take 4,
previously unreleased, bonus)
06.Flora fidget (take 8,
previously unreleased, bonus)
07.Mutter (previously
unreleased, bonus)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

BBC Radio 1: Live in concert
[1972] (1994)
BBC Radio 1: Live in concert [1972] (1994)
01. Instant pussy
02. Litheing
and graceing
03. Marchides
04. Part of the dance
05. Brandy as
in Benge

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

March (2000)
March (2000)
01. March
02. Instant pussy
03. Smoke signals
04. Part of the dance
05. No 'alf measures
06. Lything and gracing
07. Waterloo Lily

Mp3 320kbps and
artworks: enjoy!

Smoke signals (2001)
Smoke signals (2001)
01. Intro
02. March ides I
03. Smoke rings
04. Nan true's hole
05. Brandy as in Benji
06. Electric piano solo
07. March ides II
08. Instant pussy
09. Smoke signal
10. Lything
& gracing

Mp3 320kbps and
artworks: enjoy!

On the radio: A BBC recording
[1972-1973] (2006)
On the radio: A BBC recording [1972-1973] (2006)
01. March ides/
Instant pussy/
Smoke signal
02. Part of the dance
03. No 'alf measures
04. Lithing and gracing
05. Immediate kitten
06. Instant pussy
07. Lithing and gracing
08. Marchides
09. Part of the dance
10. Brandy
as in Benj

Mp3 320kbps and
artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download
dos 6 álbums: enjoy!

Matching Mole - Gloria gloom/
Part of the dance - 1972
(live on the French TV program "Rockenstock")
Matching Mole - Smoke rings - 1972
(from the Music Alive series, rescued from the
ILEA [Inner London Education Authority] archive)