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quarta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2019

Highway Robbery - For love or money - 1972 (Heavy Psych Rock {US})

Highway Robbery - For love or money - 1972 (1972, RCA Victor [front])

O power trio americano que compunha a Highway Robbery é oriundo de Los Angeles, e teve apenas um ano de duração. Basicamente influenciado por power trios como Grand Funk Railroad, o guitarrista Michael Stevens, que havia saído da banda The Boston Tea Party, procurava realizar um som nos mesmos moldes.

Michael Stevens conhece o cantor e baterista Don Francisco (Atlee, Crowfoot, Big Wha Koo e Pan). Logo, para completar o time, conhecem o baixista John Livingston Tunison IV. Esse ultimo vinha de uma banda chamada Manitoba Hugger (Manitoba, cidade do Canadá e Hugger era um carro da Chevrolet popular na época) junto com seu irmão Dennis e seu melhor amigo, Greg Price.

Logo, o trio atrai a atenção de dois gerentes, Robert Cavallo e Joseph Rufallo (Little Feat, The Weather Report...). A Highway Robbery assina com a RCA Victor e Bill Halverson, que já havia produzido Hendrix, Cream  e Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, assume a produção do disco. Dali sairia uma das maiores pedradas setentistas e um dos álbuns mais injustiçados dos anos 70!

Lançado em 1972, "For love or money" mistura algo de Blue Cheer, Black Sabbath, Grand Funk Railroad e Led Zeppelin. Com todas composições originais, o disco soa um tanto comercial em algumas faixas, principalmente pelas baladas. Acredita-se que foram adicionadas devido a ameaça da gravadora em não lançar, pois o disco não era atraente comercialmente. Com Don e John revezando os vocais, temos ótimo trabalho na guitarra de Stevens também.

Logo a banda se desfaz, sem sucesso comercial. John passa por muitas bandas depois, além de trabalhar como sessionman e tocar em diversos clubes em Los Angeles. Don se junta a Linda Rondstadt, e nos anos 80 à banda de Randy Meisner. Stevens sumiu do mapa.

Banda obrigatória em qualquer coleção!

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The American power trio that made up the Highway Robbery hails from Los Angeles, and lasted just one year. Basically influenced by power trios like Grand Funk Railroad, guitarist Michael Stevens, who had left the band The Boston Tea Party, was looking to make a sound along the same lines.

Michael Stevens meets singer and drummer Don Francisco (Atlee, Crowfoot, Big Wha Koo and Pan). Then, to complete the team, they meet bassist John Livingston Tunison IV. The latter came from a band called Manitoba Hugger (Manitoba, a city in Canada and Hugger was a popular Chevrolet car at the time) along with his brother Dennis and his best friend Greg Price.

Soon, the trio attracts the attention of two managers, Robert Cavallo and Joseph Rfallo (Little Feat, The Weather Report...). Highway Robbery signs with RCA Victor and Bill Halverson, who had previously produced Hendrix, Cream and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, takes over the production of the record. From there, one of the biggest 70's highs would come out and one of the most underrated albums of the 70s!

Released in 1972, "For love or money" mixes something from Blue Cheer, Black Sabbath, Grand Funk Railroad and Led Zeppelin. With all original compositions, the record sounds a bit commercial on some tracks, especially the ballads. It is believed that they were added due to the label's threat not to release it, as the record was not commercially attractive. With Don and John taking turns on vocals, we have great guitar work from Stevens as well.

Soon the band disbanded, without commercial success. John goes through many bands afterwards, in addition to working as a sessionman and playing in several clubs in Los Angeles. Don joins Linda Rondstadt, and in the 1980s Randy Meisner's band. Stevens disappeared from the map.

Mandatory band in any collection!

John Livingston Tunison IV
(Jan Tunison) - baixo, vocal
Don Francisco - bateria,
vocal principal
Michael "Mike"
Stevens - guitarra,

Highway Robbery

01. Mystery
02. Fifteen
03. All I need
(To have is you)
04. Lazy woman
05. Bells
06. Ain't
gonna take no more
07. I'll do it all again
08. Promotion man

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Highway Robbery - For love or money - 1972

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