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segunda-feira, 15 de maio de 2023

Fotomaker (Power Pop Rock {US})

Fotomaker (photo 01)
Fotomaker foi um grupo de
power pop de Long Island, NY,
que lançou três álbuns entre
1978 e 1979.


A banda foi formada em 1977 pelo baixista Gene Cornish e pelo baterista Dino Danelli, ex-integrantes da The Rascals (embora Cornish fosse o guitarrista do grupo). Logo, o guitarrista-vocalista Wally Bryson, ex-The Raspberries foi adicionado, ao lado do guitarrista/vocalista Lex Marchesi e do tecladista-vocalista Frankie Vinci. Fotomaker estreou no recém-reformado Cleveland Agora no início de 1978. O lançamento de estréia em 1978, simplesmente intitulado "Fotomaker", foi lançado pela Atlantic Records.

O segundo álbum, "Vis-à-vis", foi lançado em outubro de 1978. Foi gravado nos estúdios The Record Plant (usado pela The Raspberries) naquele verão por sugestão de Wally Bryson. "Vis-à-vis" abriu com a música "Miles away" de Vinci, que foi lançada como single e alcançou a posição 63 na Billboard Hot 100. Wally Bryson já havia deixado a banda antes do terceiro álbum da banda, "Transfer station". A Fotomaker não fez uma turnê de apoio para "Transfer station". E embora, tenham tido o apoio de outro excelente músico da época, o cantor e compositor Ian Lloyd (ex-Stories) - que fez também participação na faixa "Make me wanna dance" -, o álbum não alcançou as paradas e o grupo se desfez logo depois.


Em 1997, Gene Cornish e Dino Danelli, junto com os ex-companheiros de banda Rascals, Felix Cavaliere e Eddie Brigati, foram introduzidos no Hall da Fama do Rock and Roll.

Wally Bryson voltou para casa em Cleveland no início de 1979, juntando-se a Dann Klawon em sua banda Peter Panic. Bryson também colaborou com seu filho Jesse, no The Bryson Group.

Frankie Vinci fez muitos trabalhos para a TV, incluindo jingles e músicas para o Super Bowl, e escreveu canções para outros, como o artista country Tim McGraw. Ele também escreveu canções para o filme de terror de 1983, "Acampamento sinistro".

Dino Danelli faleceu em 15 de dezembro de 2022.


Fotomaker was a power pop
group from Long Island, NY which
released three albums between
1978 and 1979.


The band was formed in 1977 by bassist Gene Cornish and drummer Dino Danelli, former members of The Rascals (although Cornish was guitarist for the group). Soon, guitarist-vocalist Wally Bryson, formerly of The Raspberries was added, alongside guitarist/vocalist Lex Marchesi and keyboardist-vocalist Frankie Vinci. Fotomaker debuted at the newly remodeled Cleveland Agora in early 1978. The 1978 debut release, simply titled "Fotomaker", was released on Atlantic Records.

The second album, "Vis-à-vis", was released in October, 1978. It was recorded at The Record Plant studios (used by The Raspberries) that summer on Wally Bryson's suggestion. "Vis-à-vis" opened with Vinci's song "Miles away", which was released as a single and peaked at number 63 on the Billboard Hot 100. Wally Bryson had already left the band before the band's third album, "Transfer station". Fotomaker did not tour in support of "Transfer station". And although they had the support of another excellent musician of the time, singer and songwriter Ian Lloyd (ex-Stories) - who also participated in the track "Make me wanna dance" -, the album did not reach the charts and the group broke up soon after.


In 1997, Gene Cornish and Dino Danelli, along with former Rascals bandmates Felix Cavaliere and Eddie Brigati, were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Wally Bryson returned home to Cleveland early 1979, teaming up with Dann Klawon in his band Peter Panic. Bryson has also collaborated with his son Jesse, in The Bryson Group.

Frankie Vinci has done plenty of TV work, including jingles and music for the Super Bowl, and has written songs for others such as country artist Tim McGraw. He also wrote songs for the 1983 slasher film "Sleepaway camp".

Dino Danelli passed away on December 15, 2022.

Wally Bryson - elétrica e acústica
guitarras, guitarra elétrica de 12 cordas, vocal
Lex Marchesi - guitarra elétrica e acústica, vocal
Frankie Vinci - teclados, flauta alto, vocal
Dino Danelli - bateria, percussão
Gene Cornish - baixo, vocal

Fotomaker (photo 02)


Fotomaker (1978)
[LP version]
Fotomaker - Fotomaker - 1978 (front)
01. Where have you
been all my life?
02. Can I please
have some more?
03. All there in her eyes
04. Two can make it work
05. The other side
06. Say the
same for you
07. Plaything
08. All these years
09. Pain
10. Lose at love

Mp3 320kbps and
artworks: enjoy!

Vis-à-vis (1978)
Fotomaker - Vis-à-vis - 1978 (front)
01. Miles away
02. Does she dance
03. Snowblind
04. Just for you
05. Name
of the game
06. If I can't
believe in you
07. Come back
08. Two way street
09. Sweet lies
10. Make it look
like an accident

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Transfer station (1979)
Fotomaker - Transfer station - 1979 (front)
01. Gotta
feel your love
02. Lighting
03. Make me
wanna dance
04. Love me forever
05. Fooled again
06. Nowhere to turn
07. A woman like you
08. Don't let go

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

The Fotomaker
collection (1995)
Fotomaker - The Fotomaker collection - 1995 (front)
01. Where have you
been all my life?
02. Can I please
have some more?
03. All there in her eyes
04. Two can make it work
05. The other side
06. Say the
same for you
07. Plaything
08. All these years
09. Pain
10. Lose at love
11. Miles away
12. Name
of the game
13. If I can't
believe in you
14. Baby I
15. Snowblind
16. Nowhere
to turn

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
Link para a pasta
Fotomaker: enjoy!

Fotomaker - Snowblind 1978
Fotomaker - If I can't believe in you - 1978

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