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quinta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2024

Satin Whale (Progressive Rock {Alemanha})

Satin Whale (photo 01)
Satin Whale foi uma banda
alemã de rock progressivo
formada em janeiro de 1971
na área de Colônia-Bonn.


Os três membros fundadores Brück, Schättgen e Dellmann já atuavam como músicos há vários anos. Depois de se expandir para quarteto, no verão de 1972, com a inclusão do guitarrista Roesberg, um primeiro álbum foi gravado em 1973, embora só tenha sido lançado pelo selo Brain no ano seguinte. Eles alcançaram o primeiro lugar na competição Rocksound 74 da SWF-3.

Um total de sete álbuns foram criados entre 1974 e 1981, incluindo um álbum duplo ao vivo e a música do filme "Die Faust in der Tasche" ("O punho no bolso"). Em novembro de 1974, Wolfgang Hieronymi substituiu Schättgen como baterista. A formação permaneceu assim até 1980: no último LP de 1981, apenas Brück da formação original estava presente, Dieter Roesberg foi músico convidado em duas músicas. Na última turnê em 1981, Dieter Roesberg juntou-se novamente à turnê atual como guitarrista e substituiu Ebo Wagner.

Musicalmente, depois de inicialmente conter faixas muito longas com passagens elegíacas de teclado e flauta e arranjos elaborados, os membros mais tarde recorreram a formatos de música mais convencionais. Além de inúmeras apresentações na Alemanha (inclusive com a The Sweet), a banda também tocou na Holanda e (realizada pelo Instituto Goethe) na Polônia.

Após a separação da banda, Dellmann, Roesberg e Hieronymi fundaram o grupo Gänsehaut, cujos álbuns foram produzidos por Thomas Brück.


Satin Whale was
German progressive
rock band that formed
in January 1971 in the
Cologne-Bonn area.


The three founding members Brück, Schättgen and Dellmann had already been active as musicians for several years. After expanding to a quartet, in the summer of 1972, with the inclusion of the guitarist Roesberg, a first album was recorded in 1973, although it was not released on the Brain label until the following year. They achieved first place in the SWF-3 competition Rocksound 74.

A total of seven albums were created between 1974 and 1981, including a live double album and the film music for "Die Faust in der Tasche" ("The fist in the pocket"). In November 1974, Wolfgang Hieronymi replaced Schättgen as drummer. The formation stayed together like this until 1980: on the last LP from 1981, only Brück from the original line-up was there, Dieter Roesberg was a guest musician on two songs. On the last tour in 1981, Dieter Roesberg joined the current tour again as guitarist and replaced Ebo Wagner.

Musically, after initially containing very long tracks with elegiac keyboard and flute passages and elaborate arrangements, the members later turned to more conventional song formats. In addition to numerous appearances in Germany (including with The Sweet), the band also played in the Netherlands and (accomplished by the Goethe Institute) in Poland.

After the band broke up, Dellmann, Roesberg and Hieronymi founded the group Gänsehaut, whose albums were produced by Thomas Brück.

1ª formação: 1974-1978
Dieter Roesberg - guitarras
elétrica e acústica, saxofone alto,
flauta, gaita, vocal principal
Gerald Dellmann - Hammond B3, piano,
vibrações, Fender Rhodes, sintetizadores
(MiniMoog, Strings), Hohner e-piano,
marimba, sinos tubulares, glockenspiel
Thomas Brück - baixo, vocal
Horst Schättgen - bateria, vocal
Wolfgang Hieronymi - bateria,
Ken Traylor - vocal principal
Freya Wippich - vocal de apoio
Rale Oberpichler - vocal de apoio
Herb Geller - saxofone alto

2ª formação: 1981
Barry Palmer - vocal
Eberhard Wagner - guitarra
Wolfgang Hieronymi - bateria
Thomas Bruck - baixo
Pete Haaser - piano,
órgão, sintetizador
Dieter Roesberg - violão
Rolf Lammers - Fender Rhodes
Jürgen Fritz - piano de cauda
The Gürzenich String
Section - cordas

Satin Whale (photo 02)


The studio albums
1974-1981 (2023)
[2023, MIG Music]
Satin Whale - The studio albums 1974-1981 - 2023 (2023, MIG Music [Box front])

CD 01: Desert
places (1974)
Satin Whale - The studio albums 1974-1981 - 2023 (2023, MIG Music [CD 01 front])
01. Desert places
02. Seasons of life
03. Remember
04. I often wondered
05. Perception

CD 02: Lost
mankind (1975)
Satin Whale - The studio albums 1974-1981 - 2023 (2023, MIG Music [CD 02 front])
01. Six o'clock
02. Lost mankind
03. Rêverie
04. Go ahead
05. Trace of sadness
06. Midnight stone
07. Song for "thesy"
08. Beyond the

CD 03: As a
keepsake (1977)
Satin Whale - The studio albums 1974-1981 - 2023 (2023, MIG Music [CD 03 front])
01. Holidays
02. Reminiscent river
03. Devilish roundabout
04. A bit foolish,
a bit wise
05. Shady way
06. Goin' back
to Cologne
07. Kew gardens
08. Marée
09. No time
to lose

CD 04: A whale
of a time (1978)
Satin Whale - The studio albums 1974-1981 - 2023 (2023, MIG Music [CD 04 front])
01. A whale
of a time
02. Racing driver
03. Mighty
04. Your love
05. Desert village
06. Spring
07. One more night
08. More than a voice
09. Little tune
10. I can't

CD 05: Don't stop
the show (1981)
Satin Whale - The studio albums 1974-1981 - 2023 (2023, MIG Music [CD 05 front])
01. Don't
stop the show
02. Lady night
03. Stay with me
04. Out of control
05. Girl
06. It's better
07. Let it roll
08. Too late
09. My Ann

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!


Whalecome (1978)
[2010, Howling Wolf Records]
Satin Whale - Whalecome - 1978 (2010, Howling Wolf Records [front])

CD 01
01. No time to lose
02. Song for "thesy"
03. Marée
04. Desert
05. Reverie
06. Holidays
(By the seaside)
07. A bit foolish,
a bit wise
08. Crossing
the line

CD 02
01. Remi-
niscent river
02. Goin' back
to Cologne
03. Hava Nagila
04. Perception
05. Sweet little

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Die Faust in der
Tasche (1979)
[1979, Teldec Records]
Satin Whale - Die Faust in der Tasche - 1979 (1979, Teldec Records [front])
01. Die
02. Matze holt
03. Das Hausboot
04. Archie's Flucht
05. Motorradfahrt
06. Blutspende
07. Der Sieg
08. Double up your hands
09. Wolle's Verzweiflung
10. Kampf in der Lackiererei
11. Traum und Wirklichkeit

Mp3 320kbps and
artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files +
arts: enjoy!

Satin Whale - Desert places - 1974
Satin Whale - Lost mankind - 1975
Satin Whale - Don't stop the show - 1981

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