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segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2019

Bull Angus (Heavy/Hard psych Rock {US})

Conhecida principalmente pelos fanáticos de vinil do final dos anos 60 e início dos anos 70, a Bull Angus (um nome inspirado nas fazendas de touros perto de um celeiro que eles alugaram para os ensaios) era uma banda de blues psicodélica com significativas inclinações prog. A melhor evidência é que eles se formaram no final dos anos 1960 em Poughkeepsie, Nova York, pelos guitarristas Larry LaFalce e Dino Paolillo.

A dupla foi logo acompanhada por Geno Charles (bateria), Frankie Previte (vocal), Ron Piccolo (teclados) e Lenny Venditti (baixo). LaFalce e Venditti tocaram anteriormente com as bandas de NY The Pyramid, Previte tocava com The Oxford Watchband e, Piccolo, como membro da The Revells. Com a produção de Vinny Testa, o grupo lançou uma estréia auto-intitulada em 1971 na Mercury Records, mas as vendas e o marketing ruins significaram que a banda lançaria apenas mais um álbum, "Free for all" de 1972, antes de a Bull Angus se separar.

É estranho que a Bull Angus não tenha feito um impacto maior na época. Sua marca de heavy psych blues ​​pós-psicodélicos cruzou com sucesso entre o southern rock e o progressive rock. O material era frequentemente comparado a pesos pesados ​​como Uriah Heep, Atomic Rooster, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple e Grand Funk Railroad, mas a destreza da banda e a grande lista significavam que podiam ocasionalmente deixar o hard rock para trás e se envolver no início do estilo folk da Crimson. Apesar de tudo isso, Bull Angus nunca ganhou um culto de seguidores e permaneceu subvalorizado até hoje.


Known primarily by the vinyl fanatics of the late 1960s and early 1970s, Bull Angus (a name inspired by the bull farms near a barn they rented for rehearsals) was a psychedelic blues band with significant prog slopes. The best evidence is that they formed in the late 1960s
in Poughkeepsie, New York, by guitarists Larry LaFalce and Dino Paolillo.

The pair were soon joined by Geno Charles (drums), Frankie Previte (vocals), Ron Piccolo (keyboards) and Lenny Venditti (bass). LaFalce and Venditti played previously with the band of NY The Pyramid, Previte played with The Oxford Watchband and, Piccolo, as a member of The Revells. With the production of Vinny Testa, the group released a self-titled debut in 1971 on Mercury Records, but bad sales and marketing meant that the band would release just one more album, "Free for all" 1972, before Bull Angus split.

It's strange that Bull Angus did not make a bigger impact back then. His brand of post-psychedelic heavy psych blues crossed with success between southern rock and progressive rock. The material was often compared to heavy weights as Uriah Heep, Atomic Rooster, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Grand Funk Railroad, but the dexterity of the band and the big list meant they could occasionally leave the hard rock behind and get involved in the early Crimson folk style. Despite all this, Bull Angus has never won a cult following and remained undervalued to this day.

Geno Charles - bateria, percussão
Larry LaFalce - guitarra, vocal
Dino Paolillo - guitarra, vocal
Frankie Previte - vocal, percussão
Ron Piccolo - órgão, piano, vocal
Lenny Venditti - baixo


Bull Angus (1971)

01. Run don't stop
02. Mother's favorite
lover (Margaret)
03. Uncle duggie's
fun bus ride
04. A time like ours
05. Miss Casey
06. Pot of gold
07. Cy
08. No cream for
the maid

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Bull Angus (1971)
[vinyl rip]

01. Run don't stop
02. Mother's favorite
lover (Margaret)
03. Uncle duggie's
fun bus ride
04. A time like ours
05. Miss Casey
06. Pot of gold
07. Cy
08. No cream for
the maid

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!

Free for all (1972)

01. Lone stranger
02. City boy
03. Loving till end
04. Savoy truffle
05. Drivin' me wild
06. (We're the) Children
of our dreams
07. Train woman

Mp3 320kbps and full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download dos 3 albums: enjoy!

Bull Angus - Bull Angus - 1971 (full album)

Bull Angus - (We're the) Children of our dreams - 1972

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