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quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2022

Strawberry Path & Flied Egg (Hard/Heavy/Psych/Prog/Rock {Japão})

Flied Egg


No final dos anos sessenta, Shigeru já era famoso e carismático no cenário do rock underground japonês. Shigeru, assim como milhares de outros rockers japoneses da época, se animou com o filme do festival de Woodstock e passou a tocar em bandas e organizar festivais de música ao ar livre (chamados "10 yen concert") no Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall ao lado de grandes músicos como Shinki Chen (ex-Food Brain, Speed Glue & Shinki), George Yanagi (ex-Power House), Hiro Yanagida (ex-Apryl Fool, Food Brain) e Hiro Tsunoda (ex-Sadao Watanabe Quartet, Food Brain, depois em Sadistic Mika Band). Essa experiência foi a base de um projeto chamado Strawberry Path.

Strawberry Path foi uma dupla de rock psicodélico-progressivo do Japão, formada em 1971 por Hiro Tsunoda e Shigeru Narumo. Strawberry Path então entra em estúdio para gravar o seu primeiro LP, "When the raven has come to the Earth" (1971). Neste trabalho, Shigeru tocou vários instrumentos ao mesmo tempo (um teclado na mão esquerda, uma guitarra na mão direita, um pedal de baixo nos pés...). O único trabalho lançado na carreira da dupla, escancara as influências do rock britânico e norte-americano presentes na maneira de tocar de Narumo e Tsunoda. Entre as muitas influências, podemos citar Jimi Hendrix, Procol Harum, Deep Purple, Cream e Mountain.

Foi quando, em uma apresentação de abertura da turnê da Pink Floyd no Japão, Shigeru e Hiro persuadiram o baixista Masayoshi Takanaka (ex-Brush), na época com apenas 17 anos, a se juntar a eles. Depois de um mês, esses três talentosos músicos mudaram o nome do projeto para Flied Egg.


Flied Egg produziu dois álbuns - "Dr. Siegel's fried egg shooting machine" (1972) e "Good bye" (1972) - ambos pelo selo Vertigo. O grupo fazia um vigoroso hard rock com pitadas progressivas, aliado a excelentes canções e interpretações bem humoradas. Sua estréia pode ser comparada ao trabalho de Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention

A banda contava com o baterista como cantor principal. O "Dr. Siegel" era uma referência a, ninguém mais, ninguém menos que o próprio Shigeru Narumo. A banda se separou em 1973. Shigeru treinou muitos músicos mais jovens e gostava de fazer alguns shows com seus amigos até o seu falecimento em 29 de março de 2007, vítima do câncer de cólon.



By the late sixties, Shigeru was already famous and charismatic in the Japanese underground rock scene. Shigeru, like thousands of other Japanese rockers at the time, took heart from the Woodstock festival film and went on to play in bands and organize outdoor music festivals (called "10 yen concert") at the Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall, alongside great musicians like Shinki Chen (ex-Food Brain, Speed ​​Glue & Shinki), George Yanagi (ex-Power House), Hiro Yanagida (ex-Apryl Fool, Food Brain) and Hiro Tsunoda (ex-Sadao Watanabe Quartet, Food Brain, later in Sadistic Mika Band). This experience formed the basis of a project called Strawberry Path.

Strawberry Path was a psychedelic-progressive rock duo from Japan, formed in 1971 by Hiro Tsunoda and Shigeru Narumo. Strawberry Path then enters the studio to record their first LP, "When the raven has come to the Earth" (1971). In this work, Shigeru played several instruments at the same time (a keyboard in his left hand, a guitar in his right hand, a bass pedal in his feet...). The only work released in the duo's career, it opens up the British and American rock influences present in the way of playing of Narumo and Tsunoda. Among the many influences, we can mention Jimi Hendrix, Procol Harum, Deep Purple, Cream and Mountain.

That's when, at an opening performance for Pink Floyd's Japan tour, Shigeru and Hiro persuaded bassist Masayoshi Takanaka (ex-Brush), then just 17 years old, to join them. After a month, these three talented musicians changed the name of the project to Flied Egg.


Flied Egg produced two albums - "Dr. Siegel's fried egg shooting machine" (1972) and "Good bye" (1972) - both on the Vertigo label. The group played vigorous hard rock with progressive touches, combined with excellent songs and humorous interpretations. Its debut can be compared to the work of Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention.

The band had the drummer as the lead singer. The "Dr. Siegel" was a reference to none other than Shigeru Narumo himself. The band broke up in 1973. Shigeru coached many younger musicians and enjoyed playing some shows with his friends until he passed away on March 29, 2007 victim of colon cancer.

Shigeru Narumo
- compositor, produtor, arranjador,
backing vocal, guitarra,
órgão, baixo
Hiro Tsunoda
- compositor, arranjador, bateria,
percussão, backing vocal,
vocal principal
George Yanagi - vocal
Nozomu Nakatani - flauta
Isao Eto - baixo

Shigeru Marumo
- guitarra, teclados, Moog, vocal
Hiro Tsunoda - vocal, bateria
Masayoshi Takanaka - baixo,
violão, vocal



When the raven has
come to the Earth (1971)
Strawberry Path - When the raven has come to the Earth - 1971 (front)
01. I gotta see
my gypsy woman
02. Woman called Yellow 'Z'
03. The second fate
04. Five more pennies
05. Maximum speed
of muji bird
06. Leave me woman
07. Mary Jane on my mind
08. Spherical illusion
09. When the raven
has come to Earth

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!


Dr. Siegel's fried egg
shooting machine (1972)
Flied Egg - Dr. Siegel's fried egg shooting machine - 1972 (front)
01. Dr. Siegel's fried
egg shooting machine
02. Rolling down
the broadway
03. I love you
04. Burning fever
05. Plastic fantasy
06. 15 seconds of
schizophrenic sabbath
07. I'm gonna see
my baby tonight
08. Oke-kus
09. Someday
10. Guide me to
the quietness

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!

Good bye (1972)
Flied Egg - Good bye - 1972 (front)
01. Leave me woman
02. Rolling down
the broadway
03. Rock me baby
04. Five more pennies
05. Before you descend
06. Out to the sea
07. Goodbye my friends
08. 521 seconds

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
Link para o download
dos 3 albums: enjoy!

Strawberry Path - When the raven has come to the Earth - 1971
Flied Egg - Dr. Siegel's fried egg shooting machine - 1972

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