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segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2023

Uncle Dog - Old hat - 1972 (Blues Soul Brass Rock {UK})

Uncle Dog - Old hat - 1972 (front)
Uncle Dog foi uma banda de blues
soul rock que lançou um álbum e um
single em 1972, "River road/First night"
(Signpost SGP 752), que alcançou a
posição 86 no Hot 100 dos
Estados Unidos.


Em 1972, o grupo lançou o álbum, "Old hat" que tinha influências fortes do blues, country, jazz e soul music. A banda era formada por Carol Grimes (vocal), John Pearson (bateria), Philip Crooks (guitarra), Sam Mitchell (guitarra), John Porter (guitarra, baixo), David Skinner (teclados, vocal) e Terry Stannard (bateria, percussão). John Pearson tocou em 4 faixas e foi substituído como membro por Terry Stannard, que aparece no resto do álbum. Os músicos convidados do LP foram Paul Kossoff na guitarra em "We got time" e John "Rabbit" Bundrick no piano. A maioria das canções foi escrita por Dave Skinner - que anteriormente havia trabalhado com a dupla de psychedelic baroque rock Twice as Much -, embora existam alguns covers, incluindo "I'll be your baby tonight" de Bob Dylan (de John Wesley Harding) e "Mystery train" de Sam Phillips e Herman Parker.

John Porter tornou-se produtor e produziu o álbum de retorno de The Smiths e John Lee Hooker em 1989. Mitchell tocou com Clancy e The Sandmen. Skinner também tocou em Clancy e 801, enquanto o lendário baterista Terry Stannard formou a banda de sucesso Kokomo mais tarde. Ele também tocou bateria para Marianne Faithfull, Linda Lewis, Boz Burrell, Juicy Lucy, Herbie Goins & The Night-Timers, Henry McCullough, Steve Winwood, Zoot Money, Frankie Miller, The Mirrors, Andy Bown, Eric Burden e Alexis Corner.


Uncle Dog was a blues soul rock
band that released one album and
one single in 1972, "River road/First
night" (Signpost SGP 752), which
peaked at number 86 on the
US Hot 100.


In 1972, the group released the album, "Old hat" which had strong blues, country, jazz and soul music influences. The band consisted of Carol Grimes (vocal), John Pearson (drums), Philip Crooks (guitar), Sam Mitchell (guitar), John Porter (guitar, bass), David Skinner (keyboards, vocal) and Terry Stannard (drums, percussion). John Pearson played on 4 tracks and was replaced as a member by Terry Stannard, who appears on the rest of the album. Guest musicians on the LP were Paul Kossoff on guitar on "We got time" and John "Rabbit" Bundrick on piano. Most of the songs were written by Dave Skinner - who previously worked with psychedelic baroque rock duo Twice as Much - although there are a few covers, including Bob Dylan's "I'll be your baby tonight" (by John Wesley Harding). and "Mystery train" by Sam Phillips and Herman Parker.

John Porter became producer and produced The Smiths and John Lee Hooker's 1989 comeback album. Mitchell played with Clancy and The Sandmen. Skinner also played in Clancy and 801, while legendary drummer Terry Stannard later formed the successful band Kokomo. He has also played drums for Marianne Faithfull, Linda Lewis, Boz Burrell, Juicy LucyHerbie Goins & The Night-Timers, Henry McCullough, Steve Winwood, Zoot Money, Frankie Miller, The Mirrors, Andy Bown, Eric Burden and Alexis Corner.

Carol Grimes - vocal
John Pearson - bateria
Sam Mitchell - guitarra
Philip Crooks - guitarra
John Porter - guitarra, baixo
David Skinner - teclados, vocal
Terry Stannard - bateria,

Uncle Dog - Old hat - 1972 (back)
01. River road
02. Movie time
03. Old hat
04. Boogie with me
05. We got time
06. Smoke
07. I'll be your
baby tonight
08. Mystery train
09. Lose me

Mp3 320kbps and
artworks: enjoy!

Uncle Dog - Old hat - 1972

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