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segunda-feira, 25 de setembro de 2023

Blood, Sweat & Tears (Psychedelic/Jazz Brass Rock {US})

Blood, Sweat & Tears (photo 01)

Blood, Sweat & Tears (também conhecido como BS&T) é uma banda americana de jazz rock fundada na cidade de Nova York em 1967, conhecida por uma combinação de metais com instrumentação de rock. A BS&T passou por inúmeras iterações com pessoal variado e abrangeu uma ampla gama de estilos musicais. Seu som fundiu rock, pop, R&B e soul music com big band jazz.

O segundo álbum autointitulado do grupo passou sete semanas no topo das paradas dos EUA em 1969 e ganhou o prêmio Grammy de "Álbum do ano" em 1970. Continha as gravações de sucesso "And when I die", "You've made me so very happy" e "Spinning wheel". Todos eles alcançaram o número 2 na Billboard Hot 100. O álbum seguinte, "Blood, Sweat & Tears 3", também alcançou o número 1 nos EUA.

Além da música original, a banda é conhecida pelos arranjos de canções populares de Laura Nyro, James Taylor, Carole King, The Band, The Rolling Stones, Billie Holiday e muitos outros. O grupo também adaptou músicas de Erik Satie, Thelonious Monk e Sergei Prokofiev para seus arranjos.

A banda foi inspirado no "brass-rock" da The Buckinghams e de seu produtor, James William Guercio, bem como da The Maynard Ferguson Orchestra. O sucesso da BS&T foi paralelo ao de conjuntos com configuração semelhante, como Chicago e The Electric Flag, mas em meados da década de 1970 a popularidade do grupo havia diminuído.


Al Kooper (teclados, vocal), Bobby Colomby (bateria), Steve Katz (guitarra, vocal) e Jim Fielder (baixo) tocaram no Village Theatre (mais tarde renomeado como Fillmore East) na cidade de Nova York em 16 de setembro de 1967, como banda de abertura da James Cotton Blues Band. Kooper foi o vocalista e diretor musical inicial, tendo insistido nessa posição baseado em seu trabalho com a The Blues Project, sua banda anterior com Katz.

Fred Lipsius (sax alto, piano) juntou-se aos demais um mês depois. Mais alguns shows foram realizados antes de Lipsius recrutar os trompistas Dick Halligan, Randy Brecker e Jerry Weiss. O octeto estreou no Cafe Au Go Go de 17 a 19 de novembro de 1967, e tocou no The Scene na semana seguinte. O público ficou impressionado com a fusão inovadora de estilos contemporâneos. Depois de assinar com a Columbia Records, o grupo lançou "Child is father to the man", que alcançou a posição 47 na parada de álbuns pop da Billboard nos Estados Unidos.

As diferenças artísticas desenvolveram-se rapidamente. Colomby e Katz queriam contratar um vocalista mais forte. Isso levou à saída de Kooper em abril de 1968. Antes de sair, Kooper já havia arranjado algumas músicas que estariam no segundo álbum da BS&T. Ele logo foi contratado como produtor musical na Columbia. Os trompetistas Randy Brecker e Jerry Weiss também saíram e foram substituídos por Lew Soloff e Chuck Winfield. Brecker se juntou à banda de Horace Silver. Jerry Weiss começou o grupo de estilo semelhante Ambergris.


Colomby e Katz procuraram um novo vocalista e consideraram Alex Chilton, Stephen Stills e Laura Nyro, antes de decidirem por David Clayton-Thomas, um canadense de Toronto. O trombonista Halligan passou para o órgão e Jerry Hyman foi adicionado no trombone. A nova banda de nove membros estreou no Cafe Au Go Go de Nova York em 18 de junho de 1968, iniciando uma residência de duas semanas.

O segundo álbum autointitulado, "Blood, Sweat & Tears", foi produzido por Guercio e grande parte do álbum foi arranjado por Lipsius. Apresentava menos canções originais, mas maior sucesso nas paradas. Incluía "And when I die" de Nyro, "You've made me so very happy", de Berry Gordy e Brenda Holloway, e "Spinning wheel" de Clayton-Thomas. A banda teve o status de atração principal no Festival de Woodstock em agosto de 1969. Uma equipe de filmagem gravou algumas músicas, mas o empresário da banda, Bennett Glotzer, ordenou que a equipe desligasse as câmeras e deixasse o palco, já que a banda não havia concordado nem sido paga pelas filmagens.

A banda fez uma turnê pela Europa Oriental patrocinada pelo Departamento de Estado dos Estados Unidos em maio/junho de 1970. A associação voluntária com o governo dos EUA era altamente impopular entre os fãs de rock "underground" da época, alguns dos quais engajados em políticas radicais. A banda foi criticada por se permitir ser cooptada. Sabe-se agora que o Departamento de Estado pressionou sutilmente o grupo para a viagem em troca de uma autorização de residência nos EUA para Clayton-Thomas, que tinha antecedentes criminais no Canadá e foi deportado dos EUA depois de ultrapassar o prazo de validade do seu visto. A turnê e suas consequências são o foco de um documentário de longa-metragem de 2023 intitulado "O que diabos aconteceu com Blood, Sweat & Tears?" ("What the hell happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears?").

Depois de retornar aos EUA, o grupo lançou "Blood, Sweat & Tears 3" em junho de 1970, produzido por Roy Halee e Colomby. O álbum foi outro sucesso, gerando singles de sucesso com "Hi-de-ho" de Carole King e outra composição de Clayton-Thomas, "Lucretia MacEvil". O grupo recriou a fórmula com mais arranjos de Lipsius. As críticas às vezes focavam apenas no trabalho da banda com o Departamento de Estado dos EUA, sem discutir a música. Para agravar o problema de imagem, estava a decisão de ter um compromisso lucrativo no Caesars Palace, na Las Vegas Strip. Isso era impopular entre os jovens fãs de rock underground que identificavam os artistas de Las Vegas com a música da geração de seus pais.

No final de 1970, a banda produziu a trilha sonora do filme de comédia "The owl and the pussycat" ("O corujão e a gatinha"), estrelado por Barbra Streisand e George Segal.

O grupo se reuniu novamente em São Francisco em janeiro de 1971, com o escritor de jazz e saxofonista Don Heckman atuando como produtor. Com Dave Bargeron substituindo Jerry Hyman, eles gravaram o quarto álbum, "BS&T, 4", lançado em junho de 1971. Faixas notáveis ​​incluíam "Go down gamblin'" de David Clayton-Thomas e "John the baptist (Holy John)" de Al Kooper. "BS&T, 4" rendeu ao grupo um disco de Ouro, porém nenhum dos singles alcançou o Top 30. Durante este período, o sucesso popular e comercial do grupo começou a declinar.

Depois de um show final no Anaheim Convention Center em 31 de dezembro de 1971, Clayton-Thomas saiu no início de janeiro de 1972 para seguir carreira solo. A Columbia lançou um álbum "Greatest hits" em fevereiro de 1972. Este álbum continha versões editadas de singles de algumas canções, em vez das versões completas do álbum. Ganhou o prêmio Gold Record nos Estados Unidos, o último álbum da BS&T a conseguir isso.


Clayton-Thomas foi brevemente substituído por Bobby Doyle e depois por Jerry Fisher. Fred Lipsius também saiu e foi brevemente substituído por Joe Henderson, antes de Lou Marini se estabelecer na nova formação. O membro fundador Halligan também saiu, substituído pelo pianista de jazz Larry Willis (da Cannonball Adderley Quintet), e o guitarrista sueco Georg Wadenius, do popular grupo sueco Made in Sweden, juntou-se como guitarrista principal na mesma época.

A BS&T lançou "New Blood" em setembro de 1972, o que fez com que o grupo seguisse em uma direção mais abertamente jazz-fusion. O álbum alcançou o Top 40 na parada da Billboard e gerou um single de sucesso "So long Dixie", que alcançou a 44ª posição. Também foi incluída uma versão de "Maiden voyage" de Herbie Hancock, com participação de Wadenius. Em janeiro de 1973, Katz saiu para seguir carreira como produtor. Em março, Winfield também partiu e foi substituído por Tom Malone.

O próximo álbum, "No Sweat" (junho de 1973), contou com trabalhos de trompa de Tom Malone. Ele logo saiu para dar lugar ao trompetista John Madrid. Mas Madrid também teve vida curta e ele nunca gravou com a banda. Tanto Madrid quanto Soloff saíram no final de 1973, abrindo caminho para o novo trompista e arranjador Tony Klatka no próximo lançamento, "Mirror image" (julho de 1974), que também viu a adição do vocalista e saxofonista Jerry LaCroix (ex-Edgar Winter's White Trash), o saxofonista Bill Tillman, o baixista Ron McClure e o êxodo do baixista original Jim Fielder. Este álbum mostra as influências de Philly Soul, do álbum "Head hunters" de Herbie Hancock e do grupo Return to Forever de Chick Corea.

Jerry LaCroix deixou a BS&T para se juntar à Rare Earth depois de fazer um último show no Wollman Rink no Central Park de Nova York em 27 de julho de 1974. Luther Kent, um cantor de blues de Nova Orleans substituiu LaCroix.


No final de 1974, Jerry Fisher estava cansado da pesada agenda de turnês da BS&T. Colomby e o empresário Fred Heller planejaram o retorno de Clayton-Thomas na esperança de restaurar o antigo sucesso da banda. Clayton-Thomas conheceu o grupo em Milwaukee enquanto Jerry Fisher e Luther Kent ainda estavam com a banda. Todos os três cantores apareceram no palco diante de uma multidão entusiasmada.

O álbum, "New city", em abril de 1975, contou com Clayton-Thomas junto com o novo trompista Joe Giorgianni. Alcançou a posição 47 na parada de álbuns da Billboard dos EUA. O álbum tem metade do material original junto com músicas de Janis Ian, Randy Newman e Blues Image. A música de maior sucesso foi "Got to get you into my life", da The Beatles, que alcançou a 62ª posição.

No verão de 1975, a BS&T gravou um álbum ao vivo que foi lançado na Europa e no Japão no ano seguinte como "In concert". O álbum foi lançado nos EUA como "Live and improvised" em maio de 1991. O álbum contou com diferentes guitarristas em noites diferentes: Wadenius, Steve Khan e Mike Stern, o último que assumiu permanentemente por um tempo (Jeff Richman substituiu Stern em meados -1976). O percussionista de jazz Don Alias também esteve presente no álbum ao vivo. Após a gravação, Giorgianni saiu e foi substituído por Forrest Buchtel (ex-integrante da banda de Woody Herman).

Na mesma época, Colomby descobriu um baixista talentoso chamado Jaco Pastorius na Flórida. Ele produziu o primeiro álbum solo de Pastorius, que foi lançado na primavera de 1976. No final de 1975, Pastorius fez uma turnê com a BS&T substituindo Ron McClure e quando McClure saiu no início de 1976, Colomby providenciou para que Pastorius se juntasse à banda, embora ele tenha ficado por apenas cerca de três meses. Em 1º de abril de 1976, Pastorius juntou-se à Weather Report. Pastorius foi brevemente sucedido por Keith Jones antes de Danny Trifan intervir.

Em 1975, o grupo recebeu uma oferta no Newport Jazz Festival em Newport, Rhode Island. O governo municipal estava preocupado com a possibilidade de uma "banda de rock" atrair um público turbulento: ameaçou revogar a licença do show se a BS&T não fosse removida do programa. No final das contas, os organizadores do show conseguiram forçar o andamento do evento por meio de liminar. O litígio chegou à Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos.

Em julho de 1976, "More than ever", produzido por Bob James e com vocais convidados de Patti Austin e participações de vários músicos de Nova York, incluindo o pianista Richard Tee, os guitarristas Eric Gale e Hugh McCracken, o trompetista Jon Faddis e Eric Weissberg (banjo, dobro), foi lançado, mas vendido de forma decepcionante. Depois de estagnar no número 165 dos EUA, a Columbia Records abandonou a banda. Nessa época, Colomby, o único membro original remanescente da BS&T, parou de fazer turnê com o grupo e Don Alias assumiu as funções de percussão antes de sair também para dar lugar a Roy McCurdy.

Em 1977, a BS&T assinou com a ABC Records e começou a trabalhar em "Brand new day" (novembro de 1977). O álbum foi coproduzido por Colomby, mas seu envolvimento direto com o grupo cessou após este lançamento. A essa altura, Colomby era o único proprietário da marca registrada BS&T. "Brand new day" recebeu críticas positivas, mas vendas lentas. Ao mesmo tempo, dizia-se que a BS&T estava gravando faixas para um álbum instrumental com a equipe de Tony Klatka, Forrest Buchtel, Dave Bargeron, Bill Tillman, Larry Willis, Danny Trifan, Roy McCurdy e Mike Stern, mas o álbum nunca apareceu.

Durante 1977, a formação da BS&T estava novamente em mudança. Stern, Trifan, McCurdy, Buchtel e Tillman partiram para serem sucedidos respectivamente por Randy Bernsen, Neil Stubenhaus, Michael Lawrence e Gregory Herbert. Barry Finnerty então assumiu a guitarra e o trompete de Chris Albert quando Bernsen e Lawrence partiram no final do ano.

Em janeiro de 1978, o grupo empreendeu uma turnê europeia que terminou abruptamente depois que o saxofonista Gregory Herbert, de 31 anos, morreu de overdose de drogas em Amsterdã, em 31 de janeiro de 1978. Abalado pelo acontecimento, o grupo voltou para casa.

Em 1979, com o incentivo do empresário de longa data da BS&T, Fred Heller, que tinha vários pedidos para que a banda fizesse mais shows, Clayton-Thomas decidiu continuar a Blood, Sweat & Tears com uma formação inteiramente nova que consistia dele e de outros músicos canadenses: Kenny Marco (guitarra), David Piltch (baixo), Joe Sealy (teclados), Bruce Cassidy (trompete, flugelhorn), Earl Seymour (sax, flauta), Steve Kennedy (sax, flauta) e Sally Chappis (bateria), com Harvey Kogan logo sendo substituído por Kennedy e Jack Scarangella sucedendo Chappis.

O grupo assinou contrato com a gravadora subsidiária da Avenue Records, LAX (MCA Records), com uma formação ligeiramente alterada de: David Clayton-Thomas (vocal, guitarra), Robert Piltch (guitarra), David Piltch (baixo), Richard Martinez (teclados), Bruce Cassidy (trompete, flugelhorn), Earl Seymour (sax, flauta), Vernon Dorge (sax, flauta) e o retorno de Bobby Economou na bateria, e com o produtor e arranjador Jerry Goldstein, gravaram o álbum "Nuclear blues" (março de 1980). O álbum foi mais uma tentativa de reinventar o grupo, apresentando a banda em um ambiente sonoro funk que lembra artistas como Tower of Power e War (com quem a BS&T fez vários shows em 1980). O álbum foi considerado por muitos fãs da Blood, Sweat & Tears como atípico do melhor trabalho do grupo.

Durante este período, outro álbum ao vivo foi gravado no The Street Scene em Los Angeles, Califórnia, em 12 de outubro de 1980 (acabou sendo lançado como "Live" em fevereiro de 1995). Robert e David Piltch partiram pouco antes deste show, assim como Richard Martinez. Eles foram substituídos por Wayne Pedzwiatr no baixo, Peter Harris na guitarra e Lou Pomanti nos teclados. E Mic Gillette (da Tower of Power) substituiu Cassidy no trompete no final de 1980. Após mais turnês, incluindo a Austrália, esta encarnação do grupo se desfez em 1981.

Como não detinha os direitos do nome Blood Sweat & Tears, Clayton-Thomas tentou reiniciar sua carreira solo em 1983, após uma folga. Isso causou complicações na estrada quando os promotores contrataram o grupo de Clayton-Thomas e usaram o nome Blood, Sweat & Tears na marquise. Consequentemente, seu empresário Larry Dorr negociou um acordo de licenciamento com Colomby em 1984 pelos direitos de turnê com o nome BS&T.

Por 20 anos depois, Clayton-Thomas percorreu o circuito de concertos com uma lista de músicos em constante mudança como Blood, Sweat & Tears até sua saída final em novembro de 2004. Clayton-Thomas, agora residindo no Canadá, continua sua carreira solo e faz apresentações ocasionais mostra usando apenas seu nome.

Em 1998, para comemorar trinta anos depois de se juntar ao grupo, David Clayton-Thomas começou a trabalhar em um CD solo intitulado "Bloodlines" que apresentava uma dúzia de ex-membros da Blood, Sweat & Tears (Tony Klatka, Fred Lipsius, Lew Soloff, Dave Bargeron , Randy Brecker e outros) atuando no álbum e fazendo arranjos para algumas das músicas. Lançado em 1999, inicialmente estava disponível apenas nos shows de Clayton-Thomas, mas foi disponibilizado mais amplamente em 2001.

A BS&T continuou sem Clayton-Thomas. Dorr é empresário (e muito mais) há mais de 30 anos, e a banda ainda é uma banda popular em turnês. Na última contagem, o número total de membros da BS&T desde o início é de cerca de 165 pessoas no total.

Em 12 e 13 de março de 1993, Al Kooper organizou dois shows no Bottom Line em Nova York que foram anunciados como "Uma celebração do aniversário de Prata do clássico álbum 'Child is father to the man'", que contou com Kooper, Randy Brecker, Jim Fielder, Steve Katz e Fred Lipsius tocando juntos pela primeira vez em 25 anos, acompanhados por Anton Fig, Tom Malone, Lew Soloff, John Simon e Jimmy Vivino, bem como um coro de duas mulheres e uma seção de cordas.

No ano seguinte, no início de fevereiro de 1994, Kooper voltou ao Bottom Line para a comemoração de seu 50º aniversário, na qual tocou com membros de sua nova banda, além de The Blues Project & BS&T. A programação da BS&T neste show foi a mesma do show do "Aniversário de Prata de 1993", com exceção de Will Lee substituindo Fielder e John Sebastian (ex-Loving Spoonful) contribuindo com gaita. Colomby não permitiu que Kooper usasse o nome Blood, Sweat & Tears, então as duas reuniões foram anunciadas como "Child is father to the man". Este segundo show apareceu como o CD "Soul of a man" em 1995. De acordo com a página 20 do encarte do CD, Steve Katz optou por não permitir suas performances no CD, que foram substituídas digitalmente por Jimmy Vivino. Diz-se que o baixista Jim Fielder também adicionou algumas partes ao CD.

Desde o final de 2005, a banda retomou a turnê com uma formação renovada. A primeira turnê mundial da banda em uma década aconteceu em 2007. De 2008 a 2010, Katz voltou a aparecer nos shows da BS&T como convidado especial. BS&T e Chicago co-lideraram um festival de jazz em Stuttgart, Alemanha, em 9 de julho de 2011, e também apareceram juntos no mesmo projeto novamente no Gretna Heritage Festival em Gretna, Louisiana, em 5 de outubro de 2013.

De 2013 a 2018, Blood Sweat & Tears foi liderada por Bo Bice, que foi vice-campeão contra Carrie Underwood na quarta temporada do "American idol".

Em 2018, o grupo decidiu substituir Bice pelo ex-vocalista da Tower of Power, Tom Bowes, que já havia feito uma breve passagem pela BS&T de julho a novembro de 2012. Em 2019, Keith Paluso, do reality show "The voice", foi escolhido como o novo vocalista da BS&T.

Em março de 2022, o baixista original Jim Fielder foi convidado do grupo em uma série de shows na Flórida.

Sob a direção de Dorr e Colomby, a banda ressurgiu. Blood, Sweat & Tears doou dinheiro através de seu fundo de bolsas de música "Elsie Monica Colomby" para escolas e estudantes merecedores que precisam de ajuda para prolongar sua educação musical, como as vítimas do furacão Katrina.


Como mencionado anteriormente, na última contagem o número total de membros da BS&T desde o início é de cerca de 165 pessoas (como a lista é extensa, os membros atuais e a formação clássica podem ser vistos abaixo): David Clayton-Thomas no vocal e guitarra (1968-1972, 1974-1981, 1984-2004), Lew Soloff no trompete e flugelhorn (1968-1973), Chuck Winfield no trompete, flugelhorn e vocal de apoio (1968-1973), Jerry Hyman nos trombones e flauta doce (1968-1970), Dave Bargeron no trombone, tuba, trompas, baixo e vocal de apoio (1970-1978), Bobby Doyle no vocal e piano (1972), Joe Henderson no sax tenor (1972), Lou Marini Jr. no sax tenor e soprano e flauta (1972-1974), Larry Willis nos teclados (1972-1978), Georg Wadenius na guitarra e vocal (1972-1975), Jerry Fisher no vocal (1972-1974), Tom Malone no trombone, trompete, flugelhorn, sax alto e baixo (1973) John Madrid no trompete e flugelhorn (1973) Jerry LaCroix no vocal, sax alto, flauta e gaita (1974), Ron McClure no baixo (1974-1975, 1976), Tony Klatka no trompete e trompas (1974-1978), Bill Tillman no sax alto, flauta, clarinete e vocal de apoio (1974-1977), Luther Kent no vocal (1974), Joe Giorgianni no trompete e flugelhorn (1974-1975), Jaco Pastorius no baixo (1975-1976), Steve Khan na guitarra (1975), Mike Stern na guitarra (1975-1977), Keith Jones no baixo (1976), Danny Trifan no baixo (1976-1977), Forrest Buchtel no trompete (1975-1977), Don Alias na percussão (1975-1976), Roy McCurdy na bateria (1976-1977), Jeff Richman na guitarra (1976 substituindo Stern), Randy Bernsen na guitarra (1977), Barry Finnerty na guitarra (1977-1978), Neil Stubenhaus no baixo (1977-1978), Gregory Herbert no saxofone (1977-1978), Michael Lawrence no trompete (1977), Chris Albert no trompete (1977-1978), Bobby Economou na bateria (1977) -1978, 1979-1981, 1994-1995), Kenny Marco na guitarra (1979), David Piltch no baixo (1979-1980), Joe Sealy nos teclados (1979), Bruce Cassidy no trompete e flugelhorn (1979-1980), Earl Seymour no sax, flauta (1979-1981), Steve Kennedy no sax e flauta (1979), Sally Chappis na bateria (1979), Harvey Kogan no sax e flauta (1979), Jack Scarangella na bateria (1979), Vernon Dorge no sax e flauta (1979-1981), Robert Piltch na guitarra (1979-1980), Richard Martinez nos teclados (1979-1980), Wayne Pedzwater no baixo (1980-1981), Peter Harris na guitarra (1980-1981), Lou Pomanti nos teclados (1980-1981), Mic Gillette no trompete (1980-1981), James Kidwell na guitarra (1984-1985), Al Hospers no baixo (1984-1985), Jeff Michael Andrews no baixo (1984-1985), Taras Kovayl nos teclados (1984-1985), Tim Ouimette no trompete e trompas (1984-1985), Mario Cruz no sax e flauta (1984-1985), Ricky Sebastian na bateria (1984-1985), Steve Guttman no trompete ( 1985-2005), Dave Gellis na guitarra (1985-1990, 1996, preenchimento - 1998, 2005-2016, 2017, 2018), Ray Peterson no baixo (1985-1986), Scott Kreitzer no sax e flauta (1985-1986) ), Teddy Mulet no trombone (1985-1986) e trompete (2005-2013), Barry Danielian no trompete (1985-1986, 2013-2014), Richard Sussman nos teclados (1985-1987), Randy Andos no trombone (1986), Tom Timko no sax e flauta (1986-87, 1995, 1998-2001, 2005-08, 2009-10), Tom DeFaria na bateria (1985-1986), John Conte no baixo (1986-1987), Steve Conte na guitarra (1986, 2013), Jeff Gellis no baixo (1987-1990), Charley Gordon no trombone (1987, 1988-1994, 2001, 2013-2014), Dave Panichi no trombone (1987-1988, 1997-1998), Glenn McClelland nos teclados (1987-1993, 1998, 2005 até o presente), Dave Riekenberg no sax e flauta (1987-1990, 1995-1998), Jerry Sokolov no trompete (1987-1994), Graham Hawthorne na bateria (1987-1988, 1989-1991), Van Romaine na bateria (1988-1989), Nick Saya na bateria (1991), Neil Capolongo na bateria (1991-1993), Peter Abbott na bateria (preenchimento - início dos anos 1990), Wayne Schuster no sax, flauta (1990-1991), Larry DeBari na guitarra e vocal (1990-1997), Gary Foote no baixo (1990-1994, 1996-2004, 2005-2012), Jack Bashcow no sax e flauta (1992), Tim Ries no sax e flauta (1992-1993), 1993-1995), Matt King nos teclados (1994-1998), Mike Mancini nos teclados (preenchimento - anos 1980 e 1990), Henry Hey nos teclados (preenchimento - meados da década de 1990), Cliff Korman nos teclados (preenchimento - meados da década de 1990), Mike DuClos no baixo (1994-1996), Jonathan Peretz na bateria (1995-1997), Craig Johnson no trompete (1994-1998), Matt Milmerstadt na bateria (1995, 1998), Tom Guarna na guitarra ( 1997-1998), Jon Owens no trompete (1998-2000), Charles Pillow no sax, flauta (preenchimento - 1998), Brian Delaney na bateria (1997-1998, 2001), Dave Stahl no trompete (preenchimento - 1995- 1999), Winston Byrd no trompete (preenchimento - 1998), Dave Pietro no sax e flauta (preenchimento - 1998), Dale Kirkland no trombone (1995-96, 1998, 1999-2001, 2002-06, preenchimento - 2007 ), Pat Hallaran no trombone (1998-1999), James Fox na guitarra (1998-2000), Dan Zank nos teclados (1998-2000), Zach Danzigerv bateria (1998-2001), Joe Mosello no trompete (2000-2002), Gil Parris na guitarra (2000), Gregg Sullivan na guitarra (2000-2004), Phil Magallanes nos teclados (2000-2001), Andrea Valentini na bateria (2001-2012), Darcy Hepner no sax e flauta (1999 preenchimento, 2001-2004), John Samorian nos teclados (2001-2003), Nick Marchione no trompete (2002-2004, preenchimento - 2015), Eric Cortright nos teclados (2003-2004), Leo Huppert no baixo (2004), Steve Jankowski no trompete (2005-2013), Rob Paparozzi no vocal e gaita (2005-2011), Scottie Wallace no vocal (alternando com Rob P. - 2005-2006), Thomas Connor no vocal e gaita (2006-2008, preenchimento 2008-2019), Tommy Mitchell no vocal (preenchimento no 1º show em 2007), Jens Wendelboe no trombone (2006-2013), Chris Tedesco no trompete (substituindo Mulet - 2007), Brian Steel no sax (preenchimento - 2008), Bill Churchville no trompete (preenchimento - 2008), Ken Gioffre no sax (2010-2015, 2016-presente), Jon Pruitt nos teclados (substituindo McClelland - 2010), Ralph Bowen no sax (substituindo Gioffre - 2011 ), Dave Anderson no baixo (substituindo Foote - 2011, ingressou em 2012-2013), Jason Paige no vocal (2011-2012), Bernard Purdie na bateria (preenchimento para 1 música em 2011), Tom Bowesv vocal (2012, 2018), David Aldo no vocal (2012-2013), Joel Rosenblatt na bateria (2012-2015, substituindo Elise - junho de 2017), Bo Bicev vocal (2013-2018), Jon Ossman no baixo (2013-2014), Michael Davis no trombone (2013), Carl Fischer no trompete (2013-2015, 2016), Dan Levine no trombone (2014 e 2015 - preenchimento, 2016-2018), Dillon Kondor na guitarra (preenchimento - 2014-2016, 2017-2018), Buster Hemphill no baixo (2014-2016, 2018, 2022 - preenchimento), Trevor Neumann no trompete (2014-2016), Brandon Wright no sax (2014 - preenchimento), Dylan Elise na bateria (2015-presente ), Mike Cottone no trompete (2015-2016), Mike Boscarino no trombone (2015-2016, 2018, 2019-2022), Ric Fierabracci no baixo e vocal (2016-presente), Brad Mason no trompete (2015, 2016-presente ), Leonardo Amuedo na guitarra (2016), Jonathan Powell no trompete (2017-2021), Mark Miller no trombone (2017, 2018 - preenchimento), Adam Klipple nos teclados (2017 - preenchimento, 2019-presente), Frank David Greene no trompete (2017 - preenchimento), Anibal Rojas no sax (2017, 2019, 2021 - preenchimento), Bryan Davis no trompete (2017 - preenchimento), Brian Bonvissuto no trombone (2017 - preenchimento), Greg Mayo no guitarra (2018), Julian Coryell na guitarra e vocal (2018 - preenchimento, 2019 - 2022), Ozzie Melendez no trombone (2018 - preenchimento, 2022), Chris Rodriguez na guitarra e vocal (2019), Hadrien Feraud no baixo ( 2019 - preenchimento), Keith Paluso no vocal (2019-2023), Sam Ryan no vocal (2019, 2023 - preenchimento), Ravi Best no trompete (2021-presente), Nir Felder na guitarra (2022) e Chris Shutters no vocal (2023).


Blood, Sweat & Tears (also known as BS&T) is an American jazz rock music group founded in New York City in 1967, noted for a combination of brass with rock instrumentation. BS&T has gone through numerous iterations with varying personnel and has encompassed a wide range of musical styles. Its sound has merged rock, pop, R&B and soul music with big band jazz.

The group's self-titled second album spent seven weeks atop the U.S. charts in 1969 and won the Grammy Award for "Album of the year" in 1970. It contained the hit recordings "And when I die", "You've made me so very happy", and "Spinning wheel". All of these peaked at number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100. The follow-up album, "Blood, Sweat & Tears 3", also reached number 1 in the U.S.

In addition to original music, the group is known for arrangements of popular songs by Laura Nyro, James Taylor, Carole King, The Band, The Rolling Stones, Billie Holiday and many others. The group has also adapted music from Erik Satie, Thelonious Monk and Sergei Prokofiev into its arrangements.

The group was inspired by the "brass-rock" of The Buckinghams and their producer, James William Guercio, as well as The Maynard Ferguson OrchestraBS&T's success paralleled that of similarly configured ensembles such as Chicago and The Electric Flag, but by the mid-1970s the group's popularity had declined.


Al Kooper (keyboards, vocal), Bobby Colomby (drums), Steve Katz (guitar, vocal), and Jim Fielder (bass) played at the Village Theatre (later renamed Fillmore East) in New York City on September 16, 1967, with James Cotton Blues Band opening. Kooper was the initial singer and musical director, having insisted on that position based on his work with The Blues Project, his previous band with Katz.

Fred Lipsius (alto sax, piano) joined the others a month later. A few more shows were played before Lipsius recruited horn players Dick Halligan, Randy Brecker, and Jerry Weiss. The octet debuted at the Cafe Au Go Go on November 17 to 19, 1967, then played The Scene the following week. Audiences were impressed with the innovative fusion of contemporary styles. After signing to Columbia Records, the group released "Child is father to the man" which reached number 47 on the Billboard pop albums chart in the United States.

Artistic differences quickly developed. Colomby and Katz wanted to hire a stronger lead vocalist. This led to the departure of Kooper in April 1968. Prior to leaving Kooper had already arranged some songs that would be on the second BS&T album. He was soon hired as a record producer at Columbia. Trumpeters Randy Brecker and Jerry Weiss also left and were replaced by Lew Soloff and Chuck Winfield. Brecker joined Horace Silver's band. Jerry Weiss went on to start the similarly styled group Ambergris.


Colomby and Katz looked for a new vocalist and considered Alex Chilton, Stephen Stills, and Laura Nyro, before deciding on David Clayton-Thomas, a Canadian from Toronto. Trombonist Halligan moved to organ and Jerry Hyman was added on trombone. The new nine-member band debuted at New York's Cafe Au Go Go on June 18, 1968, beginning a two-week residency.

The self-titled second album, "Blood, Sweat & Tears", was produced by Guercio and much of the album was arranged by Lipsius. It featured fewer original songs but greater chart success. It included Nyro's "And when I die", "You've made me so very happy" by Berry Gordy and Brenda Holloway, and Clayton-Thomas' "Spinning wheel". The band enjoyed headliner status at the Woodstock Festival in August 1969. A film crew caught a few songs, but the band's manager Bennett Glotzer ordered the crew to turn off the cameras and leave the stage since the band had not agreed nor been paid for filming.

The band went on a United States Department of State-sponsored tour of Eastern Europe in May/June 1970. Voluntary association with the U.S. government was highly unpopular with "underground" rock fans at the time, some of whom engaged in radical politics. The band was criticized for allowing itself to be co-opted. It is now known that the State Department subtly pressured the group into the tour in exchange for a U.S. residency permit to Clayton-Thomas, who had a criminal record in Canada, and had been deported from the U.S. after overstaying his visa. The tour and its aftermath is the focus of a 2023 feature-length documentary titled "What the hell happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears?".

After returning to the U.S., the group released "Blood, Sweat & Tears" in June 1970, produced by Roy Halee and Colomby. The album was another success, spawning hit singles with Carole King's "Hi-de-ho" and another Clayton-Thomas composition, "Lucretia MacEvil". The group recreated the formula with more arrangements by Lipsius. Reviews sometimes focused solely upon the band's work with the U.S. State Department, without discussing the music. Compounding the image problem was a decision to play a lucrative engagement at Caesars Palace on the Las Vegas Strip. This was unpopular with young underground rock fans who identified Las Vegas entertainers with the music of their parents' generation.

In late 1970, the band produced soundtrack music for the film comedy "The owl and the pussycat", which starred Barbra Streisand and George Segal.

The group reconvened in San Francisco in January 1971 with jazz writer and saxophonist Don Heckman serving as producer. With Dave Bargeron replacing Jerry Hyman, they recorded the fourth album, "BS&T, 4", released in June 1971. Notable tracks included David Clayton-Thomas' "Go down gamblin'" and Al Kooper's "John the baptist (Holy John)". "BS&T, 4" earned the group a Gold record, however, none of the singles reached the Top 30. During this period the group's popular and commercial success began to decline.

After a final show at Anaheim Convention Center on December 31, 1971, Clayton-Thomas left in early January 1972 to pursue a solo career. Columbia issued a "Greatest hits" album in February 1972. This album contained edited single versions of some songs, rather than the full-length album versions. It earned a Gold Record award in the US, the last BS&T album to do so.


Clayton-Thomas was briefly replaced by Bobby Doyle and then Jerry Fisher. Fred Lipsius left as well and was briefly replaced by Joe Henderson, before Lou Marini settled into the new lineup. Founding member Halligan also departed, replaced by jazz pianist Larry Willis (from The Cannonball Adderley Quintet), and Swedish guitarist Georg Wadenius, from the popular Swedish outfit Made in Sweden, joined as lead guitarist around the same time.

BS&T released "New Blood" in September 1972, which found the group moving into a more overtly jazz-fusion direction. The album reached the Top 40 on the Billboard chart and spawned a hit single "So long Dixie", which peaked at number 44. Also included was a version of Herbie Hancock's "Maiden voyage", featuring Wadenius. In January 1973 Katz left to pursue a career as a producer. In March, Winfield departed as well and was replaced by Tom Malone.

The next album, "No Sweat" (June 1973), featured horn work from Tom Malone. He soon left to make way for trumpeter John Madrid. But Madrid was likewise short-lived and he never recorded with the band. Both Madrid and Soloff left in late 1973, making way for new horn player and arranger Tony Klatka on the next release, "Mirror image" (July 1974), which also saw the addition of vocalist and saxophonist Jerry LaCroix (formerly of Edgar Winter's White Trash), sax player Bill Tillman, bassist Ron McClure and the exodus of original bass player Jim Fielder. This album shows the influences of Philly Soul, Herbie Hancock's "Head hunters", and Chick Corea's group Return to Forever.

Jerry LaCroix left BS&T to join Rare Earth after playing a final show at Wollman Rink in New York's Central Park on July 27, 1974. Luther Kent, a blues singer from New Orleans replaced LaCroix.


By the close of 1974 Jerry Fisher was tired of BS&T's heavy touring schedule. Colomby and manager Fred Heller engineered the return of Clayton-Thomas in the hope of restoring the band's former success. Clayton-Thomas met the group in Milwaukee while Jerry Fisher and Luther Kent were still with the band. All three singers appeared on stage before a wildly enthusiastic crowd.

The album, "New city" in April 1975, featured Clayton-Thomas along with new horn player Joe Giorgianni. It reached number 47 on the US Billboard album chart. The album has half original material along with songs from Janis Ian, Randy Newman, and Blues Image. The highest-charting song was The Beatles' "Got to get you into my life" which peaked at number 62.

In the summer of 1975, BS&T recorded a live album that was released in Europe and Japan the following year as "In concert". The album was released in the US as "Live and improvised" in May 1991. The album featured different guitarists on different nights: Wadenius, Steve Khan and Mike Stern, the last who took over permanently for a time (Jeff Richman filled in for Stern in mid-1976). Jazz percussionist Don Alias was also present for the live album. After recording, Giorgianni left and was replaced by Forrest Buchtel (formerly of Woody Herman's band).

Around the same time, Colomby discovered a talented bass player by the name of Jaco Pastorius in Florida. He produced Pastorius' first solo album which was released in the spring of 1976. In late 1975, Pastorius toured with BS&T subbing for Ron McClure and when McClure left in early 1976, Colomby arranged for Pastorius to join the band, though he stayed for only about three months. On April 1, 1976, Pastorius joined Weather Report. Pastorius was briefly succeeded by Keith Jones before Danny Trifan stepped in.

In 1975 the group was offered a slot at the Newport Jazz Festival in Newport, Rhode Island. The city government was concerned that a "rock band" would attract a rowdy audience: it threatened to revoke the concert permit if BS&T was not removed from the program. Ultimately, concert organizers were able to force the event forward via judicial injunction. The litigation reached the United States Supreme Court.

In July 1976 "More than ever", produced by Bob James and featuring guest vocals by Patti Austin and appearances by a host of NYC session players, including pianist Richard Tee, guitarists Eric Gale and Hugh McCracken, trumpeter Jon Faddis and Eric Weissberg (banjo, dobro), was released but sold disappointingly. After it stalled at US number 165, Columbia Records dropped the band. At this time Colomby, BS&T's sole remaining original member, stopped touring with the group and Don Alias assumed sole percussion duties before leaving as well to make way for Roy McCurdy.

In 1977, BS&T signed with ABC Records and began working on "Brand new day" (November 1977). The album was co-produced by Colomby, but his direct involvement with the group ceased after this release. Colomby was by this point the sole owner of the BS&T trademark name. "Brand new day" garnered positive reviews but slow sales. At this same time BS&T were said to be recording tracks for an instrumental album with a personnel of Tony Klatka, Forrest Buchtel, Dave Bargeron, Bill Tillman, Larry Willis, Danny Trifan, Roy McCurdy and Mike Stern, but the album never appeared.

During 1977 the BS&T lineup was again in flux. Stern, Trifan, McCurdy, Buchtel and Tillman all departed to be succeeded respectively by Randy Bernsen, Neil Stubenhaus, Michael Lawrence and Gregory Herbert. Barry Finnerty then took over guitar and Chris Albert trumpet when Bernsen and Lawrence left at the close of the year.

In January 1978, the group undertook a European tour that ended abruptly after 31-year-old saxophonist Gregory Herbert died of a drug overdose in Amsterdam on January 31, 1978. Rocked by the event, the group returned home.

In 1979, with the encouragement of longtime BS&T manager Fred Heller, who had numerous requests for the band to play more shows, Clayton-Thomas decided to continue Blood, Sweat & Tears with an entirely new lineup that consisted of himself and other Canadian musicians: Kenny Marco (guitar), David Piltch (bass), Joe Sealy (keyboards), Bruce Cassidy (trumpet, flugelhorn), Earl Seymour (sax, flute), Steve Kennedy (sax, flute) and Sally Chappis (drums), with Harvey Kogan soon replacing Kennedy and Jack Scarangella succeeding Chappis.

The group signed to Avenue Records subsidiary label LAX (MCA Records), with a slightly altered lineup of: David Clayton-Thomas (vocal, guitar), Robert Piltch (guitar), David Piltch (bass), Richard Martinez (keyboards), Bruce Cassidy (trumpet, flugelhorn), Earl Seymour (sax, flute), Vernon Dorge (sax, flute) and a returning Bobby Economou on drums, and with producer and arranger Jerry Goldstein, recorded the album "Nuclear blues" (March 1980). The album was yet another attempt to reinvent the group, showcasing the band in a funk sound environment that recalled such acts as Tower of Power and LAX labelmates War (with whom BS&T did several shows in 1980). The album was regarded by many Blood, Sweat & Tears fans as uncharacteristic of the group's best work.

During this period, another live album was recorded at The Street Scene in Los Angeles, California on October 12, 1980 (this was eventually released as "Live" in February 1995). Robert and David Piltch left shortly before this concert, as did Richard Martinez. They were replaced by Wayne Pedzwiatr on bass, Peter Harris on guitar and Lou Pomanti on keyboards. And Mic Gillette (from Tower of Power) replaced Cassidy on trumpet at the tail end of 1980. Following more touring, including Australia, this incarnation of the group disbanded in 1981.

Since he did not own the rights to the Blood Sweat & Tears name, Clayton-Thomas attempted to restart his solo career in 1983 after taking some time off. This caused complications on the road when promoters would book Clayton-Thomas' group and use the Blood, Sweat & Tears name on the marquee. Consequently, his manager Larry Dorr negotiated a licensing deal with Colomby in 1984 for rights to tour with the BS&T name.

For 20 years afterwards, Clayton-Thomas toured the concert circuit with a constantly changing roster of players as Blood, Sweat & Tears until his final departure in November 2004. Clayton-Thomas, now residing back in Canada, continues his solo career and does occasional shows using only his name.

In 1998, to celebrate thirty years after he first joined the group, David Clayton-Thomas began work on a solo CD titled Bloodlines that featured a dozen former members of Blood, Sweat & Tears (Tony Klatka, Fred Lipsius, Lew Soloff, Dave Bargeron, Randy Brecker and others) performing on the album and providing arrangements to some of the songs. Released in 1999, it was first only available at Clayton-Thomas' concerts but made more widely available in 2001.

BS&T continued without Clayton-Thomas. Dorr has been manager (and much more) for over 30 years now, and the band is still a popular touring act. At last count, the overall number of BS&T members since the beginning is up around 165 total people.

On March 12 and 13, 1993, Al Kooper organized two shows at the Bottom Line in NYC that were advertised as "A Silver anniversary celebration of the classic album 'The child is father to the man'", which featured Kooper, Randy Brecker, Jim Fielder, Steve Katz and Fred Lipsius playing together for the first time in 25 years, accompanied by Anton Fig, Tom Malone, Lew Soloff, John Simon and Jimmy Vivino, as well as a two-woman chorus and string section.

The following year, in early February 1994, Kooper returned to the Bottom Line for his 50th birthday celebration, in which he played with members of his new band plus The Blues Project & BS&T. The BS&T lineup at this show was the same as the "1993 Silver anniversary" show, with the exception of Will Lee sitting in for Fielder and John Sebastian (ex-Loving Spoonful) contributing harmonica. Colomby would not allow Kooper to use the name Blood, Sweat & Tears, so the two reunions were billed as "Child is father to the man". This second show appeared as the CD "Soul of a man" in 1995. According to page 20 of the CD's liner notes, Steve Katz elected not to allow his performances onto the CD, which were digitally replaced by Jimmy Vivino. Bassist Jim Fielder is said to have added some parts to the CD as well.

Since late 2005, the band resumed touring with a refreshed line up. The band's first world tour in a decade took place in 2007. From 2008 through 2010, Katz returned to appear at BS&T's shows as a special guest. BS&T and Chicago co-headlined a jazz festival in Stuttgart, Germany on July 9, 2011, and they also appeared on the same bill together again at Gretna Heritage Festival in Gretna, Louisiana on October 5, 2013.

From 2013 until 2018, Blood, Sweat & Tears was fronted by Bo Bice, who was the runner-up against Carrie Underwood in the fourth season of "American idol".

In 2018 the group decided to replace Bice with former Tower of Power singer Tom Bowes, who had previously done a brief stint with BS&T back in July through November 2012. In 2019 Keith Paluso, from the reality TV show "The voice", was chosen as BS&T's new singer.

In March 2022 original bassist Jim Fielder guested with the group at a series of shows in Florida.

Under the direction of Dorr and Colomby, the band has enjoyed something of a resurgence. Blood, Sweat & Tears donated money through its "Elsie Monica Colomby" music scholarship fund to deserving schools and students who need help in prolonging their musical education, such as the victims of Hurricane Katrina.


As mentioned previously, at last count the total number of BS&T members since its inception is around 165 people (as the list is extensive, the current members and classic lineup can be seen below): David Clayton-Thomas on vocal and guitar (1968-1972, 1974-1981, 1984-2004), Lew Soloff on trumpet and flugelhorn (1968-1973), Chuck Winfield on trumpet, flugelhorn and backing vocal (1968-1973), Jerry Hyman on trombones and recorder (1968-1970), Dave Bargeron on trombone, tuba, horns, bass and backing vocal (1970-1978), Bobby Doyle on vocal and piano (1972), Joe Henderson on tenor sax (1972), Lou Marini Jr. on tenor & soprano sax and flute (1972-1974), Larry Willis on keyboards (1972-1978), Georg Wadenius on guitar and vocal (1972-1975), Jerry Fisher on vocal (1972-1974), Tom Malone on trombone, trumpet, flugelhorn, alto sax and bass (1973) John Madrid on trumpet and flugelhorn (1973) Jerry LaCroix on vocal, alto sax, flute and harmonica (1974), Ron McClure on bass (1974-1975, 1976), Tony Klatka on trumpet and horns (1974-1978), Bill Tillman on alto sax, flute, clarinet and backing vocal (1974-1977), Luther Kent on vocal (1974), Joe Giorgianni on trumpet and flugelhorn (1974-1975), Jaco Pastorius on bass (1975-1976), Steve Khan on guitar (1975), Mike Stern on guitar (1975-1977), Keith Jones on bass (1976), Danny Trifan on bass (1976-1977), Forrest Buchtel on trumpet (1975-1977), Don Alias on percussion (1975-1976), Roy McCurdy on drums (1976-1977), Jeff Richman on guitar (1976 fill in for Stern), Randy Bernsen on guitar (1977), Barry Finnerty on guitar (1977-1978), Neil Stubenhaus on bass (1977-1978), Gregory Herbert on saxophone (1977-1978), Michael Lawrence on trumpet (1977), Chris Albert on trumpet (1977-1978), Bobby Economou on drums (1977-1978, 1979-1981, 1994-1995), Kenny Marco on guitar (1979), David Piltch on bass (1979-1980), Joe Sealy on keyboards (1979), Bruce Cassidy on trumpet and flugelhorn (1979-1980), Earl Seymour on sax, flute (1979-1981), Steve Kennedy on sax and flute (1979), Sally Chappis on drums (1979), Harvey Kogan on sax and flute (1979), Jack Scarangella on drums (1979), Vernon Dorge on sax and flute (1979-1981), Robert Piltch on guitar (1979-1980), Richard Martinez on keyboards (1979-1980), Wayne Pedzwater on bass (1980-1981), Peter Harris on guitar (1980-1981), Lou Pomanti on keyboards (1980-1981), Mic Gillette on trumpet (1980-1981), James Kidwell on guitar (1984-1985), Al Hospers on bass (1984-1985), Jeff Michael Andrews on bass (1984-1985), Taras Kovayl on keyboards (1984-1985), Tim Ouimette on trumpet and horns (1984-1985), Mario Cruz on sax and flute (1984-1985), Ricky Sebastian on drums (1984-1985), Steve Guttman on trumpet (1985-2005), Dave Gellis on guitar (1985-1990, 1996, fill in - 1998, 2005-2016, 2017, 2018), Ray Peterson on bass (1985-1986), Scott Kreitzer on sax and flute (1985-1986), Teddy Mulet on trombone (1985-1986) and trumpet (2005-2013), Barry Danielian on trumpet (1985-1986, 2013-2014), Richard Sussman on keyboards (1985-1987), Randy Andos on trombone (1986), Tom Timko on sax and flute (1986-87, 1995, 1998-2001, 2005-08, 2009-10), Tom DeFaria on drums (1985-1986), John Conte on bass (1986-1987), Steve Conte on guitar (1986, 2013), Jeff Gellis on bass (1987-1990), Charley Gordon on trombone (1987, 1988-1994, 2001, 2013-2014), Dave Panichi on trombone (1987-1988, 1997-1998), Glenn McClelland on keyboards (1987-1993, 1998, 2005-present), Dave Riekenberg on sax and flute (1987-1990, 1995-1998), Jerry Sokolov on trumpet (1987-1994), Graham Hawthorne on drums (1987-1988, 1989-1991), Van Romaine on drums (1988-1989), Nick Saya on drums (1991), Neil Capolongo on drums (1991-1993), Peter Abbott on drums (fill in - early 1990s), Wayne Schuster on sax, flute (1990-1991), Larry DeBari on guitar and vocal (1990-1997), Gary Foote on bass (1990-1994, 1996-2004, 2005-2012), Jack Bashcow on sax and flute (1992), Tim Ries on sax and flute (1992-1993, 1993-1995), Matt King on keyboards (1994-1998), Mike Mancini on keyboards (fill in - 1980s and 1990s), Henry Hey on keyboards (fill in - mid-1990s), Cliff Korman on keyboards (fill in - mid-1990s), Mike DuClos on bass (1994-1996), Jonathan Peretz on drums (1995-1997), Craig Johnson on trumpet (1994-1998), Matt Milmerstadt on drums (1995, 1998), Tom Guarna on guitar (1997-1998), Jon Owens on trumpet (1998-2000), Charles Pillow on sax, flute (fill in - 1998), Brian Delaney on drums (1997-1998, 2001), Dave Stahl on trumpet (fill in - 1995-1999), Winston Byrd on trumpet (fill in - 1998), Dave Pietro on sax and flute (fill in - 1998), Dale Kirkland on trombone (1995-96, 1998, 1999-2001, 2002-06, fill in - 2007), Pat Hallaran on trombone (1998-1999), James Fox on guitar (1998-2000), Dan Zank on keyboards (1998-2000), Zach Danzigerv drums (1998-2001), Joe Mosello on trumpet (2000-2002), Gil Parris on guitar (2000), Gregg Sullivan on guitar (2000-2004), Phil Magallanes on keyboards (2000-2001), Andrea Valentini on drums (2001-2012), Darcy Hepner on sax and flute (1999 fill in, 2001-2004), John Samorian on keyboards (2001-2003), Nick Marchione on trumpet (2002-2004, fill-in - 2015), Eric Cortright on keyboards (2003-2004), Leo Huppert on bass (2004), Steve Jankowski on trumpet (2005-2013), Rob Paparozzi on vocal and harmonica (2005-2011), Scottie Wallace on vocal (alternating with Rob P. - 2005-2006), Thomas Connor on vocal and harmonica (2006-2008, fill in 2008-2019), Tommy Mitchell on vocal (fill in 1 show 2007), Jens Wendelboe on trombone (2006-2013), Chris Tedesco on trumpet (fill in for Mulet - 2007), Brian Steel on sax (fill in - 2008), Bill Churchville on trumpet (fill in - 2008), Ken Gioffre on sax (2010-2015, 2016-present), Jon Pruitt on keyboards (fill in for McClelland - 2010), Ralph Bowen on sax (fill in for Gioffre - 2011), Dave Anderson on bass (fill in for Foote - 2011, joined 2012-2013), Jason Paige on vocal (2011-2012), Bernard Purdie on drums (sat in for 1 tune 2011), Tom Bowesv vocal (2012, 2018), David Aldo on vocal (2012-2013), Joel Rosenblatt on drums (2012-2015, fill in for Elise - June 2017), Bo Bicev vocal (2013-2018), Jon Ossman on bass (2013-2014), Michael Davis on trombone (2013), Carl Fischer on trumpet (2013-2015, 2016), Dan Levine on trombone (2014 & 2015 - fill in, 2016-2018), Dillon Kondor on guitar (fill-in - 2014-2016, 2017-2018), Buster Hemphill on bass (2014-2016, 2018, 2022 - fill in), Trevor Neumann on trumpet (2014-2016), Brandon Wright on sax (2014 - fill in), Dylan Elise on drums (2015-present), Mike Cottone on trumpet (2015-2016), Mike Boscarino on trombone (2015-2016, 2018, 2019-2022), Ric Fierabracci on bass and vocal (2016-present), Brad Mason on trumpet (2015, 2016-present), Leonardo Amuedo on guitar (2016), Jonathan Powell on trumpet (2017-2021), Mark Miller on trombone (2017, 2018 - fill in), Adam Klipple on keyboards (2017 - fill in, 2019-present), Frank David Greene on trumpet (2017 - fill in), Anibal Rojas on sax (2017, 2019, 2021 - fill in), Bryan Davis on trumpet (2017 - fill in), Brian Bonvissuto on trombone (2017 - fill in), Greg Mayo on guitar (2018), Julian Coryell on guitar and vocal (2018 - fill in, 2019 - 2022), Ozzie Melendez on trombone (2018 - fill in, 2022), Chris Rodriguez on guitar and vocal (2019), Hadrien Feraud on bass (2019 - fill in), Keith Paluso on vocal (2019-2023), Sam Ryan on vocal (2019, 2023 - fill in), Ravi Best on trumpet (2021-present), Nir Felder on guitar (2022) and Chris Shutters on vocal (2023).

Membros atuais
Ravi Best - trompete
Chris Shutters - vocal
Brad Mason - trompete
Ken Gioffre - saxofone, flauta
Ozzie Meléndez - trombone
Ric Fierabracci - baixo, vocal
Nir Felder - guitarra, vocal
Adam Klipple - teclados
Dylan Elise - bateria

Membros antigos
Os oito originais
Al Kooper -
teclados, vocal (1967-1968)
Randy Brecker - trompete,
flugelhorn (1967-1968)
Jerry Weiss - trompete,
flugelhorn, vocal
de apoio (1967-1968)
Fred Lipsius - sax alto,
teclados (1967-1972)
Dick Halligan - teclados,
trombone, trompas, flauta,
vocal de apoio (1967-1972)
Steve Katz - guitarra, gaita,
flauta, bandolim, vocal (1967-73,
e como convidado especial em
alguns shows de 2008-10)
Jim Fielder - baixo,
guitarra, vocal de apoio
(1967-1974, convidado especial
em março de 2022)
Bobby Colomby - bateria,
percussão, vocal de
apoio (1967-1977)

Blood, Sweat & Tears (photo 02)
Blood, Sweat & Tears (photo 03)


Child is father
to the man (1968)
[2017Analogue Productions]
(FLAC352 kHz/24 bit)
BS&T - Child is father to the man - 1968 (2017, Analogue Productions [front])

CD 01:
stereo mix
01. Overture
02. I love you
more than
you'll ever know
03. Morning glory
04. My days are
05. Without her
06. Just one smile
07. I can't quit her
08. Meagan's
gypsy eyes
09. Somethin'
goin' on
10. House in
the country
11. The modern
adventures of Plato,
Diogenes and Freud
12. So much love/

CD 02: 5.1
surround mix
01. Overture
02. I love you
more than
you'll ever know
03. Morning glory
04. My days are
05. Without her
06. Just one smile
07. I can't quit her
08. Meagan's
gypsy eyes
09. Somethin'
goin' on
10. House in
the country
11. The modern
adventures of Plato,
Diogenes and Freud
12. So much love/

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Blood, Sweat
& Tears (1969)
[2017Analogue Productions]
(FLAC352 kHz/24 bit)
BS&T - Blood, Sweat & Tears - 1969 (2017, Analogue Productions [front])

CD 01:
stereo mix
01. Variations on
a theme by Erik Satie
(1st and 2nd movements)
02. Smiling phases
03. Sometimes in winter
04. More and more
05. And when I die
06. God bless the child
07. Spinning wheel
08. You've made
me so very happy
09. Blues (part II)
10. Variations on a
theme by Erik Satie
(1st movement)

CD 02: 5.1
surround mix
01. Variations on
a theme by Erik Satie
(1st and 2nd movements)
02. Smiling phases
03. Sometimes in winter
04. More and more
05. And when I die
06. God bless the child
07. Spinning wheel
08. You've made
me so very happy
09. Blues (part II)
10. Variations on a
theme by Erik Satie
(1st movement)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Blood, Sweat
& Tears 3 (1970)
[2017Analogue Productions]
(FLAC352 kHz/24 bit)
BS&T - Blood, Sweat & Tears 3 - 1970 (2017, Analogue Productions [front])
01. Hi-de-ho
02. The battle
03. Lucretia MacEvil
04. Lucretia's reprise
05. Fire and rain
06. Lonesome Suzie
07. Symphony for the devil/
Sympathy for the devil
08. He's a runner
09. Somethin' comin' on
10.40,000 Headmen

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

BS&T 4 (1971)
[2017Analogue Productions]
(FLAC352 kHz/24 bit)
BS&T - BS&T 4 - 1971 (2017, Analogue Productions [front])
01. Go
down gamblin'
02. Cowboys
and Indians
03. John, the
baptist (Holy John)
04. Redemption
05. Lisa, listen to me
06. A look to my heart
07. High on a mountain
08. Valentine's day
09. Take me in your arms
(Rock me a little while)
10. For my lady
11. Mama gets high
12. A look to
my heart

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

New blood (1972)
[2009, Sony Music/
Columbia Records]
BS&T - New blood - 1972(2009, Sony Music-Columbia Records [front])
01. Down
in the flood
02. Touch me
03. Alone
04. Velvet
05. I can't move
no mountains
06. Over the hill
07. So long Dixie
08. Show queen
09. Maiden

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

No sweat (1973)
[2005, Wounded Bird Records]
BS&T - No sweat - 1973 (2005, Wounded Bird Records [front])
01. Roller coaster
02. Save our ship
03. Django
(an excerpt)
04. Rosemary
05. Song for John
06. Almost sorry
07. Back up
against the wall
08. Hip pickles
09. My old lady
10. Empty pages
11. Mary Miles
12. Inner crisis

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

New city (1975)
[2004, Not On Label]
BS&T - New city - 1975 (2004, Not On Label [front])
01. Ride
Captain ride
02. Life
03. No show
04. I was a
witness to war
05. One room
country shack
06. Applause
07. Yesterday's
08. Naked man
09. Got to get
you into my life
10. Takin' it home
Bonus: recorded
live, October 12, 1980
at the Street Scene,
Downtown, L.A.
11. Intro
12. Agitato
13. Nuclear
14. Manic

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

More than ever (1976)
[2003Wounded Bird Records]
BS&T - More than ever - 1976 (2003, Wounded Bird Records [front])
01. They
02. I love you
more than ever
03. Katy Bell
04. Sweet Sadie,
the savior
05. Hollywood
06. You're the one
07. Heavy blue
08. Saved by the
grace of your

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Brand new day (1977)
[2004Not On Label]
BS&T - Brand new day - 1977 (2004, Not On Label [front])
01. Somebody I
trusted (Put out the light)
02. Dreaming as one
03. Same old blues
04. Lady put
out the light
05. Womanizer
06. Blue street
07. Gimme that wine
08. Rock & roll queen
09. Don't explain
10. I'll drown in my
own tears (bonus)
11. Gimme that
wine (bonus)
12. Trouble in mind/
Shake a hand

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Nuclear blues (1980)
[1995, Avenue Records]
BS&T - Nuclear blues - 1980 (1995, Avenue Records)
01. Agitato
02. Nuclear
03. Manic
04. I'll drown
in my own tears
05. Fantasy stage
06. (Suite) Spanish wine
07. (Reprise) Spanish

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!


Blood, Sweat & Tears
greatest hits (1972)
[2016, Audio Fidelity]
(FLAC88 kHz/24 bit)
BS&T - Blood, Sweat & Tears greatest hits - 1972 (2016, Audio Fidelity [front])
01. You've made
me so very happy
02. I can't quit her
03. Go down
gamblin' (single version)
04. Hi-de-ho (single version)
05. Sometimes in winter
06. And when I die
(single version)
07. Spinning wheel
(single version)
08. Lisa, listen to me
09. I love you more
than you'll ever know
10. Lucretia MacEvil
11. God bless
the child

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

In concert (1976
[1976, CBS Records]
(FLAC192 kHz/24 bit)
BS&T - In concert - 1976 (1976, CBS Records [front])

LP 01
01. Introduction
02. Spinning wheel
03 .I love you more
than you'll ever know
04. Lucretia MacEvil
05. And when I die
06. One room
country shack
07. And when I
die (reprise)
08. Spain

LP 02
01. Hi-de-ho
02. Unit seven
03. Life
04. Mean
ole world
05. Ride Captain ride
06. You've made me
so very happy

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Live (1994)
[1996Not On Label]
BS&T - Live - 1994 (1996, Not On Label [front])
01. Intro
02. Agitato
03. Nuclear blues
04. Maniac depression
05. God bless the child
06. Lucretia MacEvil
07. Hi-de-ho
08. And when I die
09. Spinning wheel
10. You've made me
so very happy
11. Introduction
la cantina
12. (Theme)
Spanish wine
13. Latin fire
14. (Theme)
Spanish wine
15. The duel
16. The
17. Amor
18. (Theme)
Spanish wine
19. I'll drown in
my own tears
20. Gimme that wine
21. Trouble in mind/
Shake a hand

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

What goes up!
The best of Blood,
Sweat & Tears (1995)
[1995, Legacy/Columbia Records]
BS&T - What goes up! The best of Blood, Sweat & Tears - 1995 (1995, Legacy-Columbia Records [front])

CD 01
01. Refugee
from Yuhupitz
02. I can't quit her
03. House in
the country
04. I love you
more than
you'll ever know
05. You've made
me so very happy
06. More and more
07. And when I die
08. Sometimes in winter
09. Smiling phases
10. Spinning wheel
11. God bless
the child
12. Children of
the wind
13. Hi-de-ho
(That old sweet roll)
14. Lucretia MacEvil
15. He's a runner
16. Something's
coming on
17. 40,000

CD 02
01. Go down gamblin'
02. Mama gets high
03. Lisa, listen to me
04. Valentine's day
05. John the baptist
(Holy John)
06. So long Dixie
07. Snow queen
08. Maiden voyage
09. I can't move
no mountains
10. Time remembered
11. Roller coaster
12. Tell me
that I'm wrong
13. Got to get
you into my life
14. You're the one
15. Mean old
world (live)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Rare, rarer
& rarest (2013)
[2013, Wounded Bird Records]
BS&T - Rare, rarer & rarest - 2013 (2013, Wounded Bird Records [front])
01. You've made
me so very happy
(mono single version)
02. Blues (part II)
[mono single version]
03. More and more
(mono single version)
04. Spinning wheel
(mono single version)
05. And when I die
(mono single version)
06. Hi-de-ho (single version)
07. Got to get you into
my life (single version)
08. Krakbegravningen (The
crow's funeral) (single version)
09. M (previously unreleased)
10. The confrontation
interlude, part 1)
11. The confrontation
interlude, part 2)
12. The warmup
interlude, part 1)
13. The warmup
interlude, part 2)
14. The seduction
interlude, part 1)
15. The seduction
interlude, part 2)
16. The morning after
interlude, part 1)
17. The morning after
interlude, part 2)
18. The morning after
interlude, part 3)
19. The reunion
interlude, part 1)
20. The reunion
interlude, part 2)
21. Just want to mention
(You've been alone too long/
The owl and the pussycat/
Closing credits)
22. The owl and
the pussycat
interlude, outtake 1)
23. The owl and the pussycat
(instrumental interlude, outtake 2)
24. The owl and the pussycat
(instrumental interlude, outtake 3)
25. The owl and the pussycat
(instrumental interlude,
outtake 4)

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

The complete
Columbia singles (2014)
[2014, Real Gone Music]
BS&T - The complete Columbia singles - 2014 (2014, Real Gone Music [front])

CD 01
01. I can't quit her
(mono version)
02. House in the
country (mono version)
03. You've made me
so very happy (mono
single version)
04. Blues (part II)
[mono single version]
05. Spinning wheel
(mono single version)
06. More and more
(mono single version)
07. And when I die
(mono single version)
08. Sometimes in winter
(mono single version)
09. Hi-de-ho
(single version)
10. The battle
11. Lucretia MacEvil
12. Lucretia's reprise
13. Go down gamblin'
(single version)
14. Valentine's day
15. Lisa, listen to me
16. Cowboys and

CD 02
01. So
long Dixie
02. Alone
03. I can't move
no mountains
04. Velvet
05. Roller coaster
06. Inner crisis
07. Save our ship
08. Song for John
09. Tell me that
I'm wrong
10. Rock reprise
11. Got to get
you into my life
12. Naked man
13. Yesterday's music
14. No show
15. You're the one
16. Heavy blue

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!

Mirror image &
New city (2020)
[2020, Vocalion Ltd.]
(FLAC176 kHz/24 bit)
BS&T - Mirror image & New city - 2020 (2020, Vocalion Ltd. [front])

CD 01:
stereo mix
Mirror image (1974)
01. Tell me that I'm wrong
02. Look up to the sky
03. Love looks good on
you (You're candy sweet)
04. Hold on to me
05. Thinking of you
06. Are you satisfied
07. Mirror image:
a) Maglomania
b) Mirror image
c) South mountain shuffle
(Inspiration from chick)
d) Rock reprise
08. She's
coming home
New city (1975)
09. Ride
Captain ride
10. Life
11. No show
12. I was a
witness to a war
13. One room
country shack
14. Applause
15. Yesterday's music
16. Naked man
17. Got to get
you into my life
18. Takin' it

CD 02: 5.1
surround mix
Mirror image (1974)
01. Tell me that I'm wrong
02. Look up to the sky
03. Love looks good on
you (You're candy sweet)
04. Hold on to me
05. Thinking of you
06. Are you satisfied
07. Mirror image:
a) Maglomania
b) Mirror image
c) South mountain shuffle
(Inspiration from chick)
d) Rock reprise
08. She's
coming home
New city (1975)
09. Ride
Captain ride
10. Life
11. No show
12. I was a
witness to a war
13. One room
country shack
14. Applause
15. Yesterday's music
16. Naked man
17. Got to get
you into my life
18. Takin' it

Mp3 320kbps and
full artworks: enjoy!
FLAC files + full
artworks: enjoy!
BS&T [MP3]: enjoy!
BS&T [FLAC 01]: enjoy!
BS&T [FLAC 02]: enjoy!

BS&T - I can't quit her - 1968
BS&T - Spinning wheel - 1969
BS&T - Lucretia MacEvil - 1970
BS&T - Go down gamblin' - 1971
BS&T - High on a mountain - 1971
BS&T - I'll drown in my own tears - 1980
BS&T - (Suite) Spanish wine - 1980

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